Fact or Theory with Laura Eisenhower and Dan Willis
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Join me and Dan Willis as we are both interviewed by Stephen Crawford from FACT OR THEORY LIVE! (this went live yesterday on his channel).

Subscribe to his channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy7U...

This was a really amazing discussion, we covered so much! We talked about Eisenhower's link to Q and the White hats -- Weather weapons, Antarctica, ET's, Aether Element, DNA, Project Looking Glass, Project Mockingbird, controlled movements, Mars recruitment and this Great Awakening going on and that is just some of it!

From Dan Willis - After testifying in Washington in 2001, I then started to become aware how our perceptions have become manipulated since birth. Being an ex-ABC newsman I started taking notes on ~

www.thewebmatrix.net to attempt to get a handle on how all this started. https://thewebmatrix.net/disclosure/

More from Dan Willis! From several witness testimonies and Dr Michael Salla's research papers on his site www.exopolitics.org, here are a few quoted passages for reference, that Eisenhower after losing control to the corporations connected with the Fourth Reich in 1955, that he setup a secret USMC military intelligence unit to safeguard our constitutional republic and to become active in the future if the situation got out of hand.

If it wasn't for these actions he set forth back then, we may not have seen the military intelligence operation that has surfaced as Q to counter these illegal elements against our constitutional republic that have been in control after they eliminated JFK.

Quotes: (exopolitics.org) "The plan envisaged by Eisenhower was that when the U.S. military industrial complex had been infiltrated and comprised by the Fourth Reich to the extent that it threatened the future of the Republic and Constitution, the U.S. Marine Corps would be activated and takes steps to rectify the situation."

"Randy Cramer says that the US Marine Corps special section was created by a secret executive order by President Eisenhower as a kind of institutional safeguard"

"This ensured a Trump victory where he gave approval to his troika of USMC advisors to implement a secret plan that had been prepared decades ago in the Eisenhower administration to prevent the collapse of the US Republic and Constitution."

"The plan dates all the way back to the 1950’s when President Eisenhower developed it in response to the infiltration of the U.S. military industrial complex by the Fourth Reich."

Your great grandfather may have just saved our entire planet by taking this action as he did when he knew he had lost control to the infiltrated corporations, and that the situation would be "not in the best of hands", as he put it mildly to Gen Lovekin on his staff.

In his farewell address he tried to warn the public of this infiltration of "unwarranted influences". Today with multiple witness testimonies, we are more aware of what has been hidden over the decades from of our constitutional government that has been denied access ever since that agreement in Feb 1955 he was forced into. Political Implications of Extraterrestrial LIfe

  • Author: cosmicgaia
  • Category: Education

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