LifeArc’s translational science podcast
Science:Life Sciences
Rob Smith meets with Dr Jane Haley MBE, Director of Research, MND Scotland, Jessica Lee, Director of Research from My Name'5 Doddie, Paul Wicks a neuropsychologist who is overseeing the creation of LifeArc's MND Patient Insights Group and Dr Paul Wright who leads the LifeArc MND Translational Challenge.
Together they explore why it is crucial that patients are involved in medical research from scoping, inception through to governance and beyond.
How partnerships can help the brain drain of African scientists, a first-hand story
The quest to find treatment by 2030: How our collaborative approach is accelerating the development of new treatments for MND
Years not decades: How translational science is accelerating new drug discovery and giving new hope for people living with MND
Living with MND and campaigning to find a treatment : We talk to David and Helen Setters about David’s MND diagnosis, living with MND and involvement in MND campaigning
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