Originally released in June, 2018 Jon Vang, now Jon Vang Tao, spoke with Joann Perry, the first host of the “Everyday Nonviolence” podcast. Jon and Joann talk about his work as an activist with Man Forward. He discusses masculinity, the problems facing individuals coming out of prison, and his dedication to ending gender-based violence in the Asian community.
Born in the U.S. after his parents escaped the Vietnam War as refugees, Jon experienced the struggle between American and Hmong cultures. His troubled youth led him to be sent to prison for eight years, during which he participated in FNVW’s Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), learning more effective approaches to dealing with conflict. After prison, he struggled to rebuild his life. Despite the barriers he faced, he was able to thrive, discovering his passion for helping the community.
In a recent conversation, which concludes the podcast, we learn about the continuing work and growth of Man Forward. And on a personal note, Jon cites the birth of his daughter, which he was anticipating at the time of the first recording, as the source of much joy and delight over the past three years.
More information about Man Forward is available at:
Music generously donated by Bensound.com.
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