”Why am I not getting any feedback from the nationalcoach?
I dream about becoming as good as I can get. I really love to practice.
I dont see myself as a pure natural badmintonplayer, but I see myself as a practice talent. I have a body that can go through a lot of pain without getting injured.”
The words above come from my guest in this weeks episode.
In this episode you will meet one of the most dedicated badmintonplayers, I have ever met.
He is training at the National Training Center in Copenhagen and his name is Mads Christophersen.
He is current European Team Champion and he is pursuing his dream about becoming one of the best badmintonplayers in the World.
Enjoy this first part of the conversation, I had with Mads where we talk about music, having a turntableplayer, Mads’ badmintonjourney in Denmark as a child and having a mental coach.
14.00 Mads shares his first years in his twenties, where he was under the wings of Peter Gade at Peter Gade Academy and his first trainings together with national coach Kenneth Jonassen at the National Training Center.
23.00 Mads shares his great experience with the collaboration of his mental coach.
25.30 Mads shares his experience with having many coaches at the same time to relate to. And how it helped him to develop his playing style.
30.45 Mads learned a new way to lift six months ago preparing for the Scottish Open. Maybe that was the reason why he won the title in Scotland. 😉
34.45 Hear about the biggest achievements of Mads. And a talk about the proces versus the results.
40.30 Hear Mads’ definition of a Mental Winner; Be honest with yourself, be curious, go your own way and be playful.
Which behaviour and mindset does a ”Mental Looser” have?
You can hear the rest of the interview with Mads in episode #154.
At the end you will hear a short outro in Danish and a thank you to Yonex.
Other podcast episodes in English:
Listen to World Class coach Ron Daniels #69 – https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-nuw5q-126777a
Explore your inner Mental Power #55 - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-z8pg9-11e7ece
This episode's partner is YONEX, which is my preferred supplier when it comes to sports equipment for racquet sports.
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