Moving Beyond the Past What is the Healing of the Past? Lesson 1a Senior Pastor Richard D. Dover Seattle Open Door Church We talk about what salvation, what healing of past hurts is and what it is not, the purpose for the healing of past hurts. Lesson: In the Moving Beyond the Past Series we will covering the following topics: Introduction: Non-Christian Spiritual Inventory What is the Healing from the Past? Who Needs Healing from the Past? Face to Face Encounter with God. The Power of the Cross. Forgiveness and Inner Healing. Inner Vows and Bitter Root Judgments. Breaking Curses Closing Doors-Walking in Holiness Countering False Beliefs Being Filled with the Holy Spirit Without Christ most people cannot truly moving beyond the past and experience God using the past for good. Do you know Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior? Do you have questions about Christianity?
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Moving Beyond the Past
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Healthy Communication
The Spirit of Pettiness
Prayer for Fairfield Bay
The Forgiving of Self-PreacherRichD
Power of Forgiveness-PreacherRichD
There is Hope Radio-Introduction
Being Prepared for the End Times-Be Alert
Read Your Bible Daily
Rivers of Revival-Book Review
Change-Doing versus Trying
Change-Trying versus Doing
Joshua Adam Dover Emotional Maturity
Joshua Adam Dover Rehab Update
Psalm 116:1-5
Psalm 116:4-9
Psalm 116:15-19
Psalm 116:7-14
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Worse That Can Happen
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