In this lecture, Michele LeVoy talks about undocumented migrants and people who have irregular migration status. She introduces the challenges that are faced by undocumented migrants who very often live in poverty and are exploited and abused. Within the lens of this matter, she also talks about possible solutions that governments are looking at, with a focus on regularisation policies – trying to achieve legal migration status.
This lecture was part of the 9th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration 2023 entitled "Protection of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations". All podcasts and presentations from the seminar are available at
The seminar is organised by the International Organization for Migration Slovakia as the coordinator of the Slovak EMN National Contact Point. This activity is funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Thank you for listening.
Martha Mendoza: How to best cover and communicate human trafficking stories? Tips for policymakers and journalists
Heather Komenda: Global estimates and datasets on human trafficking & examples of effective assistance to the victims
Samuel Okyere: The global anti-trafficking framework: overview, issues and debates
Katarina Schwarz: Slavery is not a crime in almost half the countries in the world – how can we change that?
Abril Ríos: “Alone, we go fast. Together, we go further”. Migrants’ collective (dis-) empowerment in the Americas
Simona Carnino: The Power of Passport – documentary screening and discussion
Dardan Koçani: Smuggling and organized criminal networks in migration flows: focus on Southeast Europe
Baptiste Amieux: The global mobility and access to identity
Boldizsár Nagy: Passports, visas: coats of arms of a feudalistic mindset
Diskusný večer EMN: Noví Európania
Ján Orlovský: Situačná zraniteľnosť cudzincov a ľudí, ktorí potrebujú ochranu Slovenskej republiky
Samuel Okyere: Vulnerabilities of working migrants and migrant children in the global economy
Melissa Siegel: Gender and migration
Nassim Majidi: Migration and health: challenges and needs across the migration cycle
Federico Soda: New and protracted crises: vulnerabilities of migrants and refugees
Panel discussion: Addressing labour exploitation and exploitative labour conditions - good practices and lessons learnt from selected countries
Yarema Dul: Labour exploitation and human trafficking from the perspective of a source country
Philip Hunter: The role of employers in upholding the human and labour rights of foreign workers
Pedro Assares: How the EU reduces the risks of labour exploitation and human trafficking
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