Moving Beyond the Past Lesson 8, Part Three-Bitter Root Judgments & Expectancies Senior Pastor Richard D. Dover Seattle Open Door Church Inner Vows can become Bitter Root Judgments & Expectancies. Bitter roots are our sinful reactions and our condemning judgments of people, and our refusal and inability to forgive. They are our reaction/response in our spirit to what is done to us. We then develop an expectancy that others will do the same to us, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Being Prepared for the End Times-Be Alert
Read Your Bible Daily
Rivers of Revival-Book Review
Change-Doing versus Trying
Change-Trying versus Doing
Joshua Adam Dover Emotional Maturity
Joshua Adam Dover Rehab Update
Psalm 116:1-5
Psalm 116:4-9
Psalm 116:15-19
Psalm 116:7-14
Not of This World
Worse That Can Happen
Why Not Confess?
Confess Your Sins 1 John 1:9-10
2-20-22 Interview with Joshua Adam Dover
Philippians 3:12-13
Philippians 3:8-11
Philippians 3:7
Joshua Adam Dover Update 12-24-21
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