1 | The Sudbury Mine Life Tour 2023-10-17 |
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2 | Reflecting Indigenous Culture, Heritage and Identity in the Workplace 2023-10-03 |
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3 | Ending the Stigma Around Skilled Trades 2023-09-19 |
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4 | De-Bunking the Myths of Working in Mining 2023-09-05 |
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5 | How To Talk To Kids About Their Futures 2023-08-22 |
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6 | Coming soon! Season 4: This is Mine Life 2023-08-15 |
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7 | Real Talk: Can Canada Win the Race To Unlock Critical Minerals? 2022-07-07 |
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8 | The Future Opportunity for Northern Ontario and Zero Carbon Metals 2022-06-02 |
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9 | Indigenous Activism Turned Advocacy 2022-05-26 |
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10 | Responsible Sourcing for the Urgent Transition to Renewable Energy 2022-05-19 |
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