Glucose Riot
13 Episodes
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Category: Health & Fitness
Last Update: 2025-01-22
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Glucose Riot features stories about people living joyful and peaceful lives with diabetes without restrictive eating. Hosted by two dietitians and diabetes educators, Erin Phillips, MPH, RD, CDCES and Kelly Six, MS, RDN, CDCES. Our philosophy is that there's no magical *One Right Way* to manage diabetes, and there are a lot of different experiences when it comes to living with diabetes (surprise! we are human and show up in lots of different ways!). We are not here to prescribe or push a particular strategy. We want to highlight how sooo many different strategies are valid and valuable and how absolutely beautiful that is. We value body autonomy. What you do with your body is entirely up to you. And thank goodness -- we couldn't live with that kind of responsibility if what you did was up to us! This means that If you decide to diet or pursue intentional weight loss, we're not mad at you and we never want to shame you for your own choices. Our aim is to show that there are many ways to approach diabetes that do not center weight loss that can support happy and healthy humans. That being said, there are already a lot of diet-y diabetes podcasts already -- if that is something you're looking for, we aren't your gals. Want to be on the pod? We are always looking for more people with diabetes to interview on the pod! If you're interested, apply here: