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Case Study with Paranormal Researcher, Ryan O’Neill on ”Making Your Vision a Reality”
"Whatever it is you are going after, you’ll do it when you believe it." Napoleon Hill
Watch this interview on YouTube here
On this episode you will learn:
✔︎ How Ryan O'Neill rose to the top of his field using specific success strategies that we've been teaching since the late 1990s.
✔︎ How Ryan used these principles to home-school his daughter and help her to create a successful future.
✔︎ The pathway from setting to achieving large goals-what to expect.
✔︎ Creating a new identity in the process-how to integrate your belief with your behavior.
✔︎ Overcoming obstacles and criticism and why what other people say or think doesn't matter.
Welcome back to the Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning podcast, EPISODE #203, with a Case Study of someone who did just that—he believed in his vision and rose to the top of his field but only once his family got there first.
Welcome back. I'm Andrea Samadi, author, and educator from Toronto, Canada, now in Arizona, and launched this podcast to bring the most current neuroscience research and success strategies directly to you, whether you are a teacher in the classroom, or looking for new ideas to improve productivity in your workplace, my goal is to bring the experts to you with clear strategies that we can all use to implement for immediate results.
This week, I’m speaking with Ryan O’Neill, a Paranormal Researcher from Scotland, UK, who I met around 10 years ago, when he signed up to take our first certification program, where we taught the success principles in my first book The Secret for Teens Revealed[i] that turned into our Level Up Program[ii] for schools. Years before we narrowed our focus with teachers, we worked with individuals, all over the world (teachers, coaches, and parents) who were looking for a curriculum they could use whether it was to improve young people’s mindset with sports, in the classroom or with their personal lives. Many people who studied Bob Proctor’s work in the seminar industry, came our way, looking to narrow their focus with these timeless principles for young people.
Ryan stuck out to me as unique, back then, as he signed up for the program to use the principles to help his children to learn these concepts. He knew that school wasn’t teaching them these important skills, and I still remember as he was going through each of the lessons with me, back then it was on Skype, he would then go on and teach the lesson to his daughter Tammy who was a teen at the time, just figuring out her life’s purpose. I remember she soared with these success principles that she saw her Dad taking seriously, and she did the same. She knew that these unique principles could help her to achieve high levels of success in her life, and she continues to use them to this day, as she’s put them on autopilot with her daily habits. His other daughter Rhian also became involved with this work, and did some voiceovers along the way that still exists in our work today.
Ryan had such a strong belief in these principles, that he ended up helping us to create The Secret for Teens DVD program, that you can still find on Udemy.[iii]
He was an integral part of our work in those early days when we were just starting out, as he had a keen mastery of seeing something that wasn’t yet there, and his belief was contagious, as he began checking off goal after goal that he had set out to achieve.
I’ll get to the heights that Ryan has reached in his career using this skill of bringing his goals to completion with my questions, but when I saw how much he has achieved since those early days we worked together, I had to bring him on the podcast to feature his story as a case study so he can share how exactly he applied the success principles to achieve these outstanding results.
Let’s meet Ryan O’Neill, from Scotland, UK, who has always been crystal clear of his life’s purpose “of researching, studying and sharing his open-minded discoveries, into all things mysterious” and see if he can take us back to where he began, and what it took to reach the top of his field as a part of the Scottish Paranormal Team, at the forefront of paranormal research in Scotland for the past 15 years. I know he will give us some tips from his experience that will boggle our mind when he takes something that many will say is impossible, and show us how simple and easy ALL of our goals can be.
Welcome Ryan!!!
Ryan, I can’t even tell you how happy I am to reconnect with you after working with you so closely in our early years. It’s incredible to see you.
INTRO Q: Ryan, when we first launched our FIRST coaching certification program in 2012 (I think), you were one of our first students to sign up and go through a program that would later transform into our program for teachers with the Level Up Program. Do you remember how we met? How did you find us all the way from Scotland?
I remember that one of the goals you had for going through the lessons in this program was that you wanted your daughter Tammy, who was a teen at the time to learn these principles. Thinking back to this time, how do you think the program/studying these success principles helped Tammy create the life she wanted to live?
Q1: There were 10 success principles in this book[iv] that I told Bob Proctor in our interview came from this DVD I found when I worked in his office is Toronto. I thought these principles were profound and should be taught to young people in the classroom, and Bob never produced that program I found. I remember sitting in my basement in Toronto, watching the DVD and writing out each of these powerful principles that would eventually be the chapters in the book. Which of these lessons do you think were the most helpful to Tammy when she was a teen?
Lesson One: Why is a winning attitude so important for a rewarding life?
Lesson Two: What is your mind and how does it control your destiny?
Lesson Three: How will the laws of the universe change your life immediately?
Lesson Four: How does goal setting and persistence set you apart from all others?
Lesson Five: How can the confidence formula and body image give you predictable results for success?
Lesson Six: Why will responsibility shape your future?
Lesson Seven: How can you turn your life around by blasting through things that make you nervous?
Lesson Eight: How do self-motivation and your values help you live a decent life of integrity?
Lesson Nine: How can you let your courage emerge from within and rocket your life?
Lesson Ten: What difference will you make in your lifetime?
Q2: Now onto the questions about the rest of your vision. Once you created the mindset for your family, how did you create the vision for your work with Scottish Paranormal? I remember you had a keen eye for bringing what many of us couldn’t see to reality.
Q3: I just completed a deep dive into Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich[v] book to launch this year, so that everyone listening becomes crystal clear with what they want and adding WHY they want it. Can you go back to your vision and remember what it took to get to where you are now, from where you began?
Q4: We worked together around 10 years ago, and then we both went off to put the focus into our work. I’ve always kept my eye on what you are doing, and especially Tammy and Rhian, and do follow Carrie on Instagram. Your family has always been important to me. What changes have YOU seen with your family, since you began doing this work? What about your son? Did he ever become interested in self-study?
Q5: I did a whole episode on belief and identity because I think both of these are important, in addition to the self-image that we create. It’s more about who we BECOME in this process. Looking at your work now, I can see that you have become an entirely different person. I’m not sure if you would see it, but it’s easy for me to have seen the growth since your early days, just like I’m sure you can see my growth. Do you remember a moment when your belief matched your behavior? I think the definition for this concept is called PRAXIS.
Q6: What about paradigms? Looking back, it’s much easier to see what might have held you back with your work. Can you see any paradigms that you had to change to get to the top of your field? How did you do it? Did you read your goal vision 2/day?
Q7: After working hard for many years, never complaining, just working, trying different projects (your book-weight loss angle), then you hit your break. Can you share what happened? (Discovery Channel?)
Q7B) What is the scariest thing you’ve ever seen with your work and how do you handle this part of it?
Ryan's team investigates some of the most haunted castles in the world, like Glamis Castle.
Q8: Were there times that you faced criticism for your work? How did you handle it?
Q9: Looking back, you were a serious student, like me, I think that’s why we got along so well back then. You weren’t afraid to do the work required, whereas many people I have worked with just weren’t as diligent with the work that was required for the changes to occur. What were some pivotal lessons from the work that you did on your mindset? Did anything stick out that kept you going when times were difficult?
Q10: What’s on the horizon for you next? For a serious student of this work, I know this is just the beginning.
Q11: Is there anything important that I have missed?
Ryan, I can’t even begin to tell you how impressed I am with the path that you took, with the belief that you held all these years, to create the success that you see now. You deserve every moment of your success as well as your family. I wish you all the best in whatever it is that you create next, and for people who want to follow your work, I will put all the links to follow you in the show notes.
Scottish Paranormal
Some Useful Links▪️ The Main Community —
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▪️ YouTube Channel —
Scotland’s Most Haunted Castle
The Real EVP’s Underground Edinburg
The Unseen World: Afterlife Research by Ryan O’Neill Published October 20, 2018
YouTube Channel:
Neuroscience Meets SEL Facebook Group
Rich, Successful, Strong, yet empty. Mohammed Issa, TEDxAccra Published on YouTube June 16, 2015
Gayle Porter
[i] The Secret for Teens Revealed program launch Published on YouTube May 2, 2013
[ii] Level Up for Students
[iii] The Secret for Teens Revealed Online Course
[iv] The Secret for Teens Revealed by Andrea Samadi Published 2008
[v] Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast EPISODE #196 “The Neuroscience Behind the 15 Principles in Think and Grow Rich”
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