Our CEO Renaud and Adrian from the Sofeast team delve into what a great Quality Assurance program for new electronic products looks like, as new products come with a large number of unknown risks (there are many things that can go wrong in terms of components, firmware, testing, production processes, and more, which we'll get into).
Controlling these risks has become harder for importers since Covid as it's not always possible to travel to China (and other Asian countries to a lesser extent) easily or at all, meaning that they were not able to oversee the development and manufacturing of their products increasing the risks of them going into production with problems.
So, how to use local resources to do Quality Assurance activities to control those risks in your new electronic product, and what does a QA program for new electronics include?
Show Sections
00:00 - Greetings, mentioning Renaud's recent trip to India to check out component suppliers.
01:55 - Introducing the topic: Why Quality Assurance is particularly important for new electronics that have a lot of risks.
Electronics QA Program07:21 - Activities to do at the start of product development.
20:34 - Activities do when the design is frozen and we're transferring to manufacturing.
27:49 - Activities to do during mass production.
31:08 - Wrapping up.
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