Prisonshow 193: Dean M. Lloyd.
Our guest is Dean M Lloyd from Sydney, Australia.
These days he is a Criminal Consultant, an Advocate, a Counsellor, Lived Experience(S) and Humane Coach but many years ago he was addicted to heroin for fifteen years and was incarcerated.
Dean is also a researcher who wants to find out if replacing prisons by alternative programs and approaches will diminish the criminality. To find answers he travelled to the Netherlands and New York last month and visited many places and people to find answers.
That’s how Frans met Dean: together they visited our friend Jerry Belanger in the safe-space Jerry offers clients as an experienced expert. We visited Jerry at his work in the forensic addiction clinic in Zutphen.
Een podcast van en door Frans Douw en Edwin Kleiss.
Publicatie: Vrijdag 28 april 2023.
Een initiatief van stichting Herstel en Terugkeer.
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