The podcasting world’s most interesting pair is joined by “the Queen,” as her husband calls her. It’s not Elizabeth II (sorry, Carl!) or the 80s rock band, but Mary Beeke; author, wife of Joel Beeke, mother of three adult children, a former nurse and elementary teacher, and long-time servant of the church.
Mary’s latest book will resonate with most parents as she writes about teaching our children the importance of work and instilling a godly and honorable work ethic. Mary offers an assessment of current societal values that inspire entitlement, complaining, a lack of motivation, and “living for the weekend”…while ignoring the value of earning one’s keep. Does Scripture have anything to say about the issue? Is there a correlation between work and joy? Parents, don’t lose heart! Enjoy Mary’s encouragement as you learn how to persist in “training up” your child!
We have copies of Teach Them to Work that we are giving away. Register for the opportunity to win one! The books are a generous gift from our friends at Reformation Heritage Books.
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