Our special guest today is a prolific author, editor, mom of 4, pastor’s wife, and pastor’s daughter. Megan Hill joins Carl and Todd for an energetic conversation about her most recent book, Partners in the Gospel: 50 Meditations for Pastors’ and Elders’ Wives. Through her writing, Megan offers comfort and encouragement to wives as they encounter the joys and challenges of ministering alongside their husbands. Hill offers questions for reflection, topics to be lifted in prayer, and recommended action to be taken to challenge our natural sinful tendencies.
Is there a specific and defined role for pastors’ and elders’ wives? How might they deal with criticism and loneliness, counseling their children while enduring scrutiny and high expectations from other church members? Megan shares sage advice learned from her parents that might very much enrich your life. Take note!
Show Notes
•A Place to Belong: Learning to Love the Local Church by Megan Hill
• Megan was a speaker at the 2021 Quakertown Women’s Conference Contentment in Christ
Partners in the Gospel is available for purchase at Reformed Resources.
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