We're excited to present part two of our Worship as Discipleship Podcast. Our host, Chris Short, Executive Pastor at Real Life Ministries, is joined once again by Aaron Short, Worship Pastor at the Post Falls Campus and Jeremy Ellis, Worship Arts Development Pastor.
In this episode, they delve into the topic of worship environments and how they impact our spiritual growth. Today's discussion focuses on the contrasting experiences of large group and small group worship settings. They emphasize the importance of both types of environments for fostering spiritual growth in both individuals and small group members alike.
Join us as we look at the significance of these worship environments and their role in deepening our walk with the Lord, and with others. It's going to be an enlightening conversation that will leave you feeling inspired about your own personal journey in worship, and help you lead your group members to recognize this important aspect of their own journey.
Their conversation will help you:
- Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of both large and small gatherings in the Church
- Discover the values and significance of each gathering according to Acts 2:42, 47
- Learn how coming together as a collective group can build and strengthen the church brick by brick
- Understand the benefits of forming deeper relationships within smaller group settings
- Uncover the balance between vertical focus and forming meaningful connections with others
The importance of both large and small gatherings for our Spiritual growth cannot be overstated. In Acts 2:42, 47, we see that the 1st Century Church understood the value of both types of gatherings. It is not a matter of choosing one over the other.
The Bible says that we are living stones, building the church up brick by brick. And just like a single brick or stone doesn't build something on its own, the Church is formed through the coming together of individuals. Each person plays a vital role in this process, just as each brick or stone supports and relies on others to create a complete structure.
On the other hand, it is challenging to forge deep connections with hundreds or thousands of people in larger gatherings. This is why smaller group gatherings, such as meeting in each other's homes, are crucial. In these intimate settings, there is still a vertical focus on God but with an added emphasis on developing meaningful relationships with fellow believers. The book of Acts models believers engaging in both environments - both large and small gatherings hold significant value. They offer unique opportunities for collective worship and fellowship while also allowing us to establish deeper connections within a smaller community. Something that Jesus also modeled for us in his time on Earth.
Our Life Groups provide a unique opportunity for deeper discussions and exploration of the sermon series. While attending service, we receive the message and then meet during the week in smaller groups to discuss its personal implications and applications in our own lives. The whole dynamic changes when we bring the information and inspiration from the Weekend Service into our Small Groups. The group becomes a space for application and transformation, as we actively live out what we have been taught.
[bctt tweet="“Weekend Services provide a place for INFORMATION and INSPIRATION Small Groups provide a place for APPLICATION and TRANSFORMATION” " via="no"]
This discussion ends with the reminder that we should embrace our identity as worshipers of the Living God in every aspect of our lives - at home, at work, and everywhere else. Our actions speak louder than words, demonstrating who we are rather than simply what we do in any given situation.
Mentioned in this episode:
Right Now Media: The Worship Dilemma
Here are some more great tools that our leadership has made available for you to use!
- Right Now Media: (The Netflix of Bible Studies)
Real Life has gifted our people with a free membership to this platform! Find out more at this link. https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/user/reallifeministries
- Real Life Resources: This digital library contains over 500 tools and resources to help both you personally and those in your group. Podcasts, videos, books, studies and much more at this link. https://realliferesources.org/
If you would like to download the show notes for this episode, click below:
Worship As Discipleship Part 2 Show Notes
If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, feel free to email us at realforlife@reallifeministries.com.