Have you ever found yourself looking into the pantry thinking
“What am I in the mood for right now?”
Or maybe you know that on your way home from work your brain will say “Hey, what if we just run past the drive thru real quick?”
Or maybe it’s after dinner but before bed and predictably every night - no matter how much you promised yourself you wouldn’t snack after dinner - you find yourself opening up the freezer to see what delicious delights might be there to satisfy that urge.
Today we’re talking urges.
Those moments when gremlins take over your brain and say “I don’t care what promises I made to myself earlier in the day or what was on my plan or the fact that I want to lose weight and feel healthy so I can play on the floor with my grandkids. My brain gremlin has taken that 'What’s Your Why' worksheet I filled last month and turned it into a paper airplane, set it on fire and tossed it out the window.
Ready to look underneath the urge, discover the diamonds hidden in your desire, and turn that evening eating habit into an educational moment?
(I think I went a little too far on the alliteration there. Might need to dial it back.)
Aww yeah ya are. Let’s get after it!
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