What would you say if I told you there was something you could do that costs nothing, and if you do it every day, you’d feel more fulfilled, happier, and like life was moving in the right direction more often?
Celebration tells your brain what you’re doing (even if it’s out of your normal routine - and uncomfortable) is good and safe. By celebrating, your body releases feel good hormones, and reduces cortisol.
So, I decided instead of just a day of tooting my own horn, I’m celebrating for an entire month (on IG).
In this episode, I share more about the WHY behind this choice - the science of celebrating - as well as practical ways you can start enjoying the benefits of celebrating more (hint: it involves celebrating yourself).
Book an intensive to work through whatever comes up for you when you think about celebrating, or to help you work through the biggest mindset block that's holding you back right now.
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