S14E1: European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR) with Dr.Vivian Ribeiro
In the first episode of Season 14, we talk to Dr. Vivian Ribeiro about the challenges and opportunities of the new European Union Deforestation free Regulation (EUDR) in the Earth Observation Sector. Dr. Vivian Ribeiro is a senior data scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute and currently leads the spatial intelligence team in the Trase - Intelligence for Sustainable Trade initiative. She is also the co-founder and technical coordinator of the Do Pasto ao Prato app, a collaborative initiative aimed at increasing transparency in the Brazilian meat industry. Vivian holds degrees in biology from the University of Goias and masters and Ph.D. in ecology from the University of Brasilia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/vivihrbr
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivian-ribeiro-276357a8/
Do Pasto ao Prato: https://www.dopastoaoprato.com.br/
Trase: www.trase.earth
Season 14 of Scene from Above is brought to you by Geoawesomeness. Be sure to check out the EO Hub article by Muthukumar featured on S14E1: https://bit.ly/EUDREarthObservation
News Correspondent:
Rafaela Tiengo: https://twitter.com/RafaelaTiengo_
Subscribe to Rafaela’s Newsletter! https://rafaelatiengo.substack.com/
Hosts, co-host and organizers:
Dr. Flávia de Souza Mendes: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fl%C3%A1via-de-souza-mendes-phd-1456362b/
Dr. Yhasmin Mendes de Moura https://www.linkedin.com/in/yhasmoura/
Dr. Michelle Picoli: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-picoli-234709a2/
Editor and translation:
Dr. Flávia de Souza Mendes
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent.
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