Have you ever contemplated getting into a vehicle and seeing where the road led? A camperized van, maybe a beautiful RV could be your new home? Perhaps you’re flying solo however, and the concept of being out there on your own deflates the dream.
Jenell Jones is the solution. Her Wandering Individuals Network is the RV club for anyone traveling on their own. They are a diverse group who drive everything from big class A motorhomes to car campers.
In this episode, Jenell explains
Jenell hosts a webinar on April 13th to explain more and answer your questions – email freervwebinar@gmail.com to register.
Find Jenell's RV Club website at: https://wanderingindividualsnetwork.com/
Learn more about Jenell and find all her links at: https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-jenell-jones/
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