Scaling Down to Success: Why Low-Ticket Items Are the New Gold Rush
In the latest episode of my podcast, I had the joy of hosting Rachel Miller and Holly Homer, the brilliant minds behind Pagewheel. Our conversation dove deep into the world of low-ticket products, a niche that Rachel and Holly have not only embraced but innovated within. They shared their journey of overcoming the overwhelming complexities of digital product creation by developing Pagewheel, a tool that simplifies the entire process. This tool supports entrepreneurs by automating the creation of low-ticket items, from idea to execution, empowering them to focus more on their passions and less on the technicalities.
We explored how starting with low-ticket items can significantly lower the barriers for entrepreneurs to enter the market, test their ideas, and build a customer base without a hefty initial investment. Both guests shared their experiences and insights, highlighting the importance of accessibility in the digital marketplace and how Pagewheel facilitates this beautifully. It was such an engaged discussion that not only shed light on the practicalities of business but also celebrated the spirit of innovation and determination that drives the entrepreneurial journey.
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Check out the blog mentioned - 21 Digital Products That Any Business (in ANY Niche) Can Make AND SELL
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Meet Rachel Miller.
As a proud mom to 6 kids and a collector of businesses, Rachel Miller is a Marketing strategist who supports small businesses in growing their audiences and sales, organically, without ads. Her marketing courses have had over 27,000 students and she regularly keynotes. Her most recent project is building, Pagewheel, cause why should we “learn” how to market our businesses when AI with automations can market your business for you!
Meet Holly Homer.
Holly Homer accidentally started blogging about 20 years ago and hasn’t stopped. She runs Kids Activities Blog and is the best-selling author of four books. Her passion is teaching and coaching what she has learned along the way. She co-founded Pagewheel which solved one of her biggest issues…why is selling online so complicated? Holly lives in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas with her husband, three boys and a dog named Panda.
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