In this episode, Rob and Vinnie continue their look at the New Jerusalem. The Holy City/New Jerusalem is the eternal dwelling place of the people of God. It is described as a city, that is a temple, but in reality, it is the people of God dwelling in the presence of God. Rob and Vinnie also discuss what is "outside" the city. Vinnie inserts a dad joke that needs help.
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Show notes:
The Bride/Holy City, the New Jerusalem descends 21:9-22:9
It is the Eternal dwelling place for God’s people in the presence of God on the restored earth/New Creation
12 things
17:1-3; 21:9-10 Two sections: each women that are cities
Economic reversal “freely”
Parable in Luke 16 Rich man and Lazarus
Bible begins in Eden and ends in Eden
Prophets expecting: see Isa 51:3; Ezek 36:35; 47:1-7
“Come, and I will show you” (21:9): carried “away in the Spirit” (21:10); taken “to a great and high mountain” (21:10)
John’s use of hearing and seeing.
The “glory of God” (21:11) was a vital component of the temple complex.
We might say: in 21:1-8: the Holy City as a Bride; in 21:9-22:9, the Bride is the Holy City
21:11: “Her brilliance was like a precious stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper”
Great and high wall: 21:12-14
Holy City also corresponds to the account of the Two Witnesses.
Length, width, and height of the city are all, “12,000 stadia” (21:16)
the Holy City represents the totality of the OT and NT people of God.
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