The Mind Movement Health Podcast
Health & Fitness
This week on the podcast we’re talking about strict diets and why they don’t work.
I share instead what we can focus on when it comes to nutrition for long-term health and longevity.
Want to know more?
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Paleo Valley Grass Fed Organ Meats Supplement info for show notes:
Today, I’d like to share with you an interesting piece of trivia I learned recently. It’s about our hunter-gatherer ancestors and what they ate.
Do you know what they considered to be their prized delicacy?
Organs meats. Raw organ meats.
Gross, I know. But they valued organs because of how they made them feel. More energy, improved stamina, increased strength – who wouldn’t want that? Thanks to decades of research, we now know that organ meat is among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.
If you’re anything like me, however, you’re not just going to sauté up some liver and kidneys for dinner. There’s the less-than-appetizing taste, the equally offensive smell, the hassle in cooking, etc.
That’s why I was so excited to discover the Paleovalley Grass Fed Organ Complex. While most supplements offer just liver, this Organ Complex includes all 3 of the richest organs available:
They’re sourced from 100% grass fed cows that never receive antibiotics, steroids, or hormones.
Here’s just a quick peek at what you get when you consume grass fed beef organs:
I know you’re thinking “There are dozens of organ supplements out there. How’s this one any different?” Glad you asked!
Similar supplements are preserved and ruined by spray drying the organs at high temperatures. Extreme heat kills the proteins, rendering the nutrients completely useless. Paleovalley gently freeze dries the organs, preserving virtually every nutrient in the process.
Plus, this Grass Fed Organ Complex also:
Oh, and one more thing!
Liver in particular is famous for its “anti-fatigue factor.” It’s used worldwide by athletes & everyday individuals as a natural, long-lasting energy boost. Who wouldn’t love some extra (all-natural!) energy?
To enjoy all these benefits and more, hop over the Paleovalley website & order a bottle. You’ll be singing its praises, too! Keep in mind you have a full 60 days to get your money back if you don’t like it!
P.S. You scrolled to the bottom again didn’t you? I guess I forgive you. :-) Go check out Paleovalley’s Grass FedOrganComplex and see for yourself why I’m so crazy about it!
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