Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 Tsar Nicholas II and his family were captured, tortured and then brutally killed. Whilst at the time they may not have known it, understood in its greater context, they were caught in a feud stemming from almost 2000 years hence. Indeed, it origins go all the way to the great Emperor Constantine and his eventual conversion to Christianity.
In this story we explore how two diametrically opposed factions with competing financial practices and spiritual beliefs, would begin battle for supremacy in the ashes of the Western Roman empire. One group decided to build it’s structures on a genuine desire to bring about human salvation, in service of the biblical Christ. And wealth in this context was understood as a tool for spiritual progression.
The opposing faction would consist of an elitist sect who refused Christianity and chose instead, to worship the darkest elements of the pantheon of old. Possessed as it were, by evil–epistemological warfare, human traficking and slavery–became not only permissible, but a way of life. In episode one we chart this battle through Europe and explore some seminal events in relation to Russia, that occurred along the way.
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