Haags Montessori Lyceum Podcast
The annual Kenneth Gonçalves lecture is this year given by Ukraine activist for justice Yana Rudenko. Both in Ukraine and the Netherlands Yana is a leading voice against this war in Europe.
With this keynote Yana officially opens the 5 VWO project week 2024
Background to this annual Human Rights lecture
Since 2010 the Haags Montessori Lyceum (HML) has organized an annual Human Rights lecture in memory of Kenneth Gonçalves.
The annual lecture is not only aimed at commemoration but also contributes to raising social and political awareness with you, our students. Such was the original intention of initiators Hugo Dirksmeier (our late formal principal), Lilian Gonçalves, lawyer and human rights activist, former class mates of Kenneth Gonçalves and people of Amnesty International: something like the December murders should never happen again and the principles of the democratic constitutional state should be recognized, preserved and always defended.
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