They Must Be Destroyed On Sight!
TV & Film
Lee, Leah and Daniel are continuing the podcast's Corman tribute by covering "The Terror" (1963). Under Corman's watch a lot of future greats had a part in the production of this patched-together gothic horror, starring a fresh-face Jack Nicholson, an elderly Boris Karloff, and "that guy" Dick Miller (who threatens to steal the whole movie at times!). Is it the janky mess all of those old public domain 50 movie DVD packs make us think it was, or did watching a fully restored version surprise the hosts expectations? Did this film somehow inspire a future great film that Nicholson was also the lead in? You're already visiting our decaying old castle by the sea, you might as well stay for a while and find out!
"The Terror" IMDB
Watch "The Terror" for free on YouTube in HD.
Featured Music: "The Terror Main Title" by Ronald Stein & "There's Ghost in My House" by R. Dean Taylor.
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