It’s no secret the world turns. Its 24-hour rotation on its axis gives us the definition of a day. Our moon, recently eclipsed in North America, orbits around us. We, in turn, orbit around our sun along with the other planets, and our entire solar system orbits around the Milky Way galaxy. These cosmic revolutions make up the foundation of our existence.
But whether we realize it or not, there is another set of revolutions happening all around us every day. These are not some heavenly bodies that were here billions of years before our existence, but simple mechanical devices that we humans invented, Motors.
From the gentle purr of your air conditioner to the steady hum of your refrigerator, motors are the backbone of your household. Step outside, and their influence expands further. Cars, elevators, toll bridges, rail cars, and factories all rely on motors of varying sizes and strengths. They propel ships across oceans, power airplanes through the skies, and drive medical equipment that saves lives.
In this world of constant motion, we often take for granted the incredible impact that motors have on our lives. They are the tireless workhorses that keep our society moving forward. A simple innovation that never stops turning, and where the hum of progress is always in the air.
Unlike the celestial revolutions we can see from simply looking up, the average motor needs a little help staying true to its purpose and if not properly calibrated, could lead to annoyance at best, disaster at worst.
That’s where Embedded Control solutions come in. Digital signal processing can help control motors and enhance their performance to keep life moving along. A single dsPIC can keep motors spinning correctly and on command for better quality, reliability, and longevity.
How could Microchip Technology keep these tiny marvels of engineering quietly working behind the scenes, making our existence more efficient, comfortable, and extraordinary?
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Alexis Alcott
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