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Dear Listeners,
I think we may have uncovered something important during this episode...
As Savana and I discuss how her and Dick's engagement came to an abrupt end, I realize that I share with her that she had NO idea about.
Imagine her surprise when I fill her in on what HER FIANCE was doing way back when. Better yet, imagine the AUDACITY this man has to tell me the truth about his whereabouts and doings, while completely leaving out the fact that he was actively engaged to this beautiful human.
Savana and I really want to emphasize how important it is to continue to do things for YOURSELF while in a relationship, NEW or OLD, you need to maintain your sense of self at all cost.
Luckily for Savana, Dick wasn't able to break her spirit like he did many others, myself included. Savana's fighter soul is what gave her the strength to persevere and know what was best for her... A LIFE WITHOUT DICK.
Let's be honest, that's literally what's best for everyone.
I hope you enjoyed hearing Savana's story and have some good takeaways.
Whether you're in a similar relationship, or know someone who is struggling to get out- just remember that your presence matters in the life of others.
Whether they are gracious or not.
Forever Sharing My Truth,
Amanda L. Arnier, MLS
Savana's Hair Instagram
Savana's Personal Instagram
Savana's TikTok
If you or anyone you know has experienced anything similar and is willing to share, please click the link below to schedule a time to chat with me.
Season Two Story Pitch Call
Email: TheDichotomyDiaries@yahoo.com
Music: Ashley England
Guest: Savana Martin
Sound Production: Amanda L. Arnier
Patreon: The Dichotomy Diaries
Merch: The Dichotomy Diaries Podcast Storefront
YouTube: Video Recordings of Episodes!
Podcast Website: www.TheDichotomyDiaries.com
Insta: @TheDichotomyDiaries
TikTok: @TheDichotomyDiaries
Facebook: The Dichotomy Diaries
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