Today may be Benjamin Netanyahu’s finest hour. If so, it will be because when Israel’s leader addresses a Joint Session of Congress, he will speak truth to power.
The truth is that Israel is fighting a war for Judeo-Christian civilization against Sharia-supremacists who seek her destruction and ours. Because Israelis are doing so, we may not have to. But they do need our help resupplying the weapons required to win.
Bibi must also speak truthfully about the so-called “two-state solution.” China’s purported reconciliation of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority confirms the obvious: Israel has no “partner for peace,” only jihadists who will use whatever territory they control to wage war on the Israelis, and us.
The Biden-Harris administration doesn’t want to hear these truths – or have the American people hear them, either. All the more reason why Benjamin Netanyahu must ensure they do.
This is Frank Gaffney.