Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services
- I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in the course of the day.
- We also talked about the truth on the ground with respect to progress against Hamas, the infeasibility and unworkability of a so-called two-state solution, and the real danger that is looming not just for Israel but all of us who love Judeo-Christian civilization from those in Tehran.
Christine Douglass Williams, Author, "The Challenge of Modernizing Islam"
- Christine Douglass Williams and I visited about various other Sharia supremacist threats emanating from the Taliban and the help that the Biden-Harris administration has been giving that regime, as well as what the Houthi rebels are up to similar ambition to those jihadists elsewhere, namely a global caliphate, in this case, under their control.