We are back for the second installment of our series Saturn's Bankers, in which we are uncovering the hidden history of occult banking and issuance of debt as 'money'. In part 2 we are heading to the swampy lagoons of Venice to discuss the mysterious faction of families who created an almost impenetrable outpost within the failing Roman Empire. From here they essentially turned themselves into a fifth column, not just for the Byzantine Empire, but for every nation in Europe by creating a vast intelligence network. One that in a very literal sense would go on to inform the tactics used by modern day intelligence services.
But that is not the only thing that was born out of Venice. For Venice and Italy moreover is actually the birthplace of both central banking and the horrific idea of a permanent oligarchy. That is, the decision by a small group of families to band together and create a system of commerce, finance and intelligence that served them and them alone. No common good. No greater project for the human species, and certainly no eye towards the heavens. No, this was the pursuit of wealth and power in its most raw and despicable form.
As such, no lengths were so far to go to and no treachery so great that it would not be enacted where it to bring rewards to this secretive cabal known today by some as the Venetian Nobility. Which is why in understanding Venice, we can also go some way towards understanding the system that we have today, and who might really sit atop of it.
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