The Christian Education Cafe' podcast equips and empowers Christian educators, school leaders, and parents with the inspiration, information, and tools needed to foster developmental competence in their students, colleagues, families and themselves...
Listen as Dr. Penn interviews LaChrisa Bonds of Bonds Estate and Garden as they discuss the Vision for Kingdom education. They cover many insights regarding God's plan for the Joshua generation to thrive. Kingdom education recognizes God's design for every child to excel. Mrs. Bonds shares her journey from charter school board member to homeschooling mom. She shares about the importance of guiding students to discover their God-given gifts, talents, and vocation through Bible integrated educational endeavors. She also shared how holistic development can be enhanced by adhering to biblical nutrition principles. Mrs. Bonds, a former playwright and producer, hosts the Cultivated Conversations podcast and offers a farm share, with her husband, Robert. They are the parents of 5 boys. You can find out more about Bonds Estate and Gardens and their marriage and Biblical Wellness ministries at: