Synapse: A junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter.
There is an interstitial stretch that fills the space between knowledge and learning, a field where ideas roam free.
Inside that space there is no organizing structure, everything melds together in a chaotic jumble, free to create associations and break them as easily as breathing.
These free moving concepts are like rapping raindrops of knowledge on the roof of your mind.
There is no logic in this space between your mind and the ideas that are trying to reach it, not in the sense we usually understand it. In this space all the forms that human thought creates are equal and stripped of moral charges.
It is a place where ideas move constantly at great speeds and bind in amalgams that only last fractions of a second, but in their endless morphing all these ideas are valid, at least temporarily, and they function as scaffolding in the construction of your lasting thoughts.
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