Today on the Godspeed Institute we welcome Mair Honan, UCC minister and co-founder of Grace Street Ministry – a compassionate outreach ministry to the homeless and marginalized in Portland, Maine, offering support through presence, prayer and advocacy. Topics in the hour include: Caer’s reflection on the homeless from The Saints’ Guide to Relationships, Volume 3; a walking ministry; history of Grace Street Ministry; remembering the sacred in the midst of it all; the imagined and real boundaries between those who have little materially and those who have much; how ministry can be as simple as sharing a cup of coffee in Dunkin Donuts… to being with people “who have been beaten and discarded and are sure that God does not exist in the reality of their suffering”; hope; fear; overflowing shelters; being authentic; greed; her personal journey to this ministry; Caer’s Tip for Your Spiritual Toolbelt; and more.
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