Praying in Jesus’ Name, by Faith in His Name
Religion & Spirituality:Christianity
DELIVERANCE FOCUS: The Oaths, Curses, and Spirits of Masonry (FULL-LENGTH VERSION)
For a full list of prayers available through this podcast and our website, please follow this link:
NOTE: Due to length, this prayer has been recorded ONCE, for repeating. The pace is a bit faster than some of the other prayers, because there is a lot of ground to cover.
The devastating influence and effects of Masonry are pervasive throughout the world. The oaths and curses brought into family lines may have — DO HAVE — incredibly destructive spiritual consequences, passing down through the generations as a terrible inheritance of bondage.
Due especially to the LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES OF SECRET SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP, there are few bloodlines untouched by Masonry. Renunciation of Masonry and secret societies is strongly recommended for all believers.
Deliverance minister Scott Hensler writes, “I have found if I am not successful in exorcising out a particular demon, or I am unable to break the curse, then there is Freemasonry in the bloodline of the individual I am trying to deliver and they did not even know it. Maybe it was through a father, grandfather or great-great grandfather. Most people who come in for deliverance have some Freemasonry in their families on one side or the other.”
This prayer is one of a few longer variations, intended to cover every type and degree of Masonic lodge and rank. (Side note: The pronunciations of “secret passwords” in this prayer are meant only to be intelligible, not precise.)
The publishers of this prayer make the following statements:
“If you were once a member of a Masonic organization or are a descendant of someone who was, we recommend that you read through this, then pray this prayer from your heart, aloud, with a Christian witness present. You may repeat after the witness, if you prefer.
“Christians should pray for Masons without judging them. Bring their sins to God in an attitude of love, petitioning the Father for His mercy, binding in the name of Jesus Christ the spirits of deception, antichrist, witchcraft, and death. Most men have no perception of the spiritual deception they have entered.
“Please remember that ‘We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places’ (Ephesians 6:12). This is a spiritual battle, and should be treated accordingly.”
If you have no one to pray with or for you, or if you wish to pray privately, we recommend that you first pray the prayer “Declaring Confidence in God’s Protection”:
Then listen carefully to, and repeat, the prayer here, followed by the prayer versions of Psalms 71 and 31.
Psalm 71:
Psalm 31:
Given the seriousness of secret society curses, it is imperative that you continue to spend time daily in prayer and studying the Word of God. We also recommend seeking assistance from an experienced deliverance minister, especially if release does not seem to be forthcoming.
Authors and sources:
Copying of this Prayer is both permitted and encouraged, provided reference is made to where the information came from.
Most of this information was taken from "Un- masking Freemasonry - Removing the Hoodwink", by Dr. Selwyn Stevens, published by Jubilee Resource International, Inc.. -
Some information was taken from "The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge", by John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Moody Press.
Some information is from knowledge that the author, Linda Merrick, has gained through years of ministry.
Text sources: (click on “Prayer of Release for Freemasons and Their Descendants”) (click on “Deliverance from Freemasonry”)
See also:
HooDoo VooDoo First Edition -1.0 Spirit Realm Series -Volume IV By Scott E. Hensler Scott Hensler Network Ministries Copyright © 2014 Scott Hensler Network Ministries ISBN: 978-0-578-15132-8 All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted by any means without written permission from Scott Hensler Network Ministries.
For another version of this prayer, with some additional elements, please go to the following location:
“Prayer Of Renunciation - Secret Organisations”, pages 3-31
Additions and modifications by Amanda Buys
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