On the issue of climate change, the faith community speaks with a moral authority. One of the leading voices in that community is Interfaith Power & Light, whose mission is "to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy." IPL President Rev. Susan Hendershot joined our April call to share the work they're doing to spread the gospel of stewardship and sustainability.
Helpful Links:
Monthly Action Sheet: http://cclusa.org/actionsheet
Chicago Endorses Carbon Fee and Dividend: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/chicago-volunteers-bring-ccl-values-to-life/
Silicon Valley Group Supports HR 763: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/silicon-valley-gets-in-the-game-for-carbon-pricing-and-h-r-763/
Interfaith Power & Light: https://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org/
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