Creating The Future with Brent Simpson
Religion & Spirituality:Christianity
Welcome to episode 16 where we talk about Black Lives Matter!
Many years ago, the LGBTQ movement leached itself onto the civil right movement. Virtually every black person I know is irritated by this fact. However, irritated or not, LGBTQ has become the new black. And that is why we MUST be able to differentiate from Black Lives Matter affirmation from the Black Lives Matter organization/movement.
Let me be clear: We must affirm that Black Lives Matter - Where there is racism, injustice, and police brutality, we must fight together to heal our nation’s wrongs.
But here’s the think, the Black Lives matter organization is anti-Christian, anti-family, and is trying to pave the way for the LGBTQ community.
If you don’t believe me, just read this from their “about us” portion of their website.
“We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location. We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead. We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence…. We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure… We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.”
“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” – the male/female mom/dad family is not Western, it’s everywhere across the globe… and when disrupted, we end up with chaos. If you’ve never see the statistics of kids growing up in two parent compared to one parent homes, then look them up. It’s abundantly clear, kids do better in two parent, mom and dad, (nuclear family) homes.
Clearly, BLM is not just about dismantling white privilege, but “heterosexual privilege.” BLM is a movement that's moving far beyond many realize.
Hate speech is ambiguous. It is hard to define. Obvious hate speech, which is purposely derogatory and/or inflammatory, and should never be tolerated about anyone made in the image of God.
But now hate speech has gone, and is going, way beyond that. Now anyone who dares to disagree with me is hating me… or worse, hate speech has become anyone who ever said something I don’t like.
The truly frightening thing about this is that on the back of the BLM truck is the LGBTQ agenda. Where BLM goes, LGBTQ goes.
So as BLM fights to tear down statues, monuments and institutions (sometimes there’s a cause for this) that are deemed offensive, our LGBTQ friends will soon be right behind them ready to “dismantle cisgender privilege” and freeing us from the “tight grip of heteronormative thinking”… and where is the most obvious place to start? The Church.
Anyone who doesn’t agree with my LGBTQ friends agenda will be seen as the enemy and be deemed as haters full of hate speech. Therefore, Churches that teach that the practices of the LGBTQ community is sin will need to be shut down. Even lovingly saying they are wrong will be hatred that needs to eradicated… and thus The Church, as we know it in America will be in a battle for survival against a culture dead-set on removing “homophobia.”
It's crazy how some who demand tolerance are so intolerant.
Let him who has ears listen! Be forewarned, THIS is not far away… Months, not years.
Some will scoff at this and think I’m crazy.
Some will think I’m homophobic and should shut up… which helps make my point.
Others will wake up and recognize the warning signs.
We must affirm black lives and fight for justice together. However, we must also denounce the Black Lives Matter organization/movement. A poison that helps one day but kills the next is the most dangerous, because we are tempted to share it with another. Any good that it does, will quickly be replaced by its evil agenda.
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