Join Jonny Larkin and special guest star soap writer horror fanatic Steve Hughes, as we begin our dive into classic TV horror. Before Tales of the Unexpected, before Hammer House of Horror, there was THRILLER. An anthology series that ran for 6 seasons, writer Brian Clemens’ TV opus has been described as the Primark Hitchcock. Kitsch, budget-friendly but always drawing top talent, Thriller did what it said on the tin. But it veered into camp Satanic horror with ‘Nurse Will Make It Better’. Imagine The Omen, Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist all put through a budget meat grinder then sprinkled with blonde bombshell Diana Dors and you’re half way there. This OTT, balls-to-the-wall slice of British horror oddness goes under the Screaming Queenz microscope. Does Nurse make it better? Listen and find out. Beware spoilers, and lots of gay gushing over Donna Mills…
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