We were very honored to have Brad Freitag join us for, our 41st episode and, an absolutely fascinating conversation which gives all FileMaker developers the opportunity to hear Brad discuss his vision for Claris and his absolute committment to the developer community; something I don't believe any of us have heard before.
This is a podcast that should be listened to by everybody who cares about FileMaker and wants to know what is in store for the future. It is also a great way to get to know the man behind the sea changes that we are all experiencing on, almost, a daily basis.
This is an episode where we really want to hear from everybody listening and we will pass all comments onto Brad so that he can read them in a single document rather than dozens, or perhaps, hundreds of individual emails. He deserves our support so let's give it to him. Please email your comments to info@firesidefilemaker.com. Thank you.
For those listeners who haven't yet written in with comments and suggestions to be passed onto Brad, we've set up a page where you can read the comments we have received so far. www.firesidefilemaker.com/freitag
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