Go to school, go to college, get work. That’s the standard script that most people follow in the early years of their life. It has become so normal that many students follow it without realizing the other concerns that may or may not come with the entire routine.
That doesn’t have to be the case says Justin Nguyen. For him, students are more than capable of managing their career and their finances. They simply need to be educated about them.
Justin Nguyen is the CEO and founder of GetChoGrindUp. There he hosts the Declassified College podcast, a show that brings college students the knowledge needed to be successful at an early age. With this show, Justin hopes to get other people in his generation and the next educated in aspects of their career that are not usually handled and taught in the classrooms.
Join wealth manager Lee Michael Murphy and career advisor Sergio patterson in this episode of The Free Retiree Show where they learn more about Justin’s perspective on career education for students and the power of Tiktok.
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