Episode 215: Fear Before the March of Flames with Dewey Halpaus of Peer Pleasure - Discography Discussion
Dewey Halpaus of the Peer Pleasure podcast sits down this week with Dan, Joe, and Jon to talk about Fear Before the March of Flames. Dewey shares some essential back story about his relationship and past experience with the band, and we try to put that in context with their releases. Dan gets all sentimental at one point and makes a few super bold claims about The Always Open Mouth. Don't miss it. #discussmetal #FearBefore
Dewey Halpaus and the “Peer Pleasure” podcast can be found online at https://www.peerpleasurepodcast.com && https://twitter.com/podpeerpleasure
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Email: danandjoeshow@gmail.com
Album of the week
Dan - Circle Back “The Gift Of Time”
Joe - Death “...For The Whole World To See”
Jon - God’s Hate “God’s Hate”
Dewey - Operation Ivy “Energy”
Media Mentioned In This Episode:
Episode 032: Sepultura - http://bit.ly/DDPodcast032
Episode 198: Godflesh - http://bit.ly/DDPodcast198
Episode 096: Ministry with Stephen Sarro of Unteachers - http://bit.ly/DDPodcast096
Episode 212: Testament - https://bit.ly/DDPodcast212
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