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I wish I hadn’t paid for this podcast. The Return is excellent and to have people who defend the Star Wars prequels call Lynch a fraud and a bad director is ridiculous. So little self awareness

3 years ago reply 1

Same here. Now, I am not attached to the series in the same way they are, I'll admit. I watched the whole thing in a few months before the new show in an overall Lynch retrospective. What did I see? A sometimes boring soap opera punctuated by moments of intense weirdness and interesting character interaction. Some parts of the show just never worked for me and those are nearly all gone in The Return. Sure there are some wasted characters but there were also characters I really hated in the original show, and huge spans of time where the parts that I liked (Lynch weirdness) were completely missing. The Return, though taking place outside of Twin Peaks more than expected, introduced us to such wonderfully off beat characters and situations that I was often just in awe as to what we were going to get. And as much as people complain about Coop being pushed away in favor of Dougie I loved seeing Kyle embody these new forms of Cooper and was just so happy when Cooper finally came back.

@sanjinvignjevic : I must say that I have really regretted buying the full Now Peaking season pack. I love this new season of Twin Peaks and you guys continually seem to want the old series back. That's fair, but I wish that hadn't paid money for this podcast. There are a couple of much better free TP podcasts out there that seem to get the storyline much better and enjoy the comedy throughout.
7 years ago reply 1

Overall a massive disapointment. Worst crime was unravelling the original series so now that's been tainted and has lost its meaning

@jacobdestree : You called it.
7 years ago reply 1

You called it.

@DMThirteen : I'm waiting for Lynch to pull a Episode 8, and have the finale to the season be something totally unrelated to the main storylines and be scratchy video and screeching violins. Leaving everything as a cliffhanger. No resolution.
7 years ago reply 1

I'm really glad you guys recognized the lazy writing here, especially with the random death of the assassins. I thought this was one of the worst episodes of the season. As always though, great job with the recap.

7 years ago reply 0

I'm waiting for Lynch to pull a Episode 8, and have the finale to the season be something totally unrelated to the main storylines and be scratchy video and screeching violins. Leaving everything as a cliffhanger. No resolution.

7 years ago reply 0

I must say that I have really regretted buying the full Now Peaking season pack. I love this new season of Twin Peaks and you guys continually seem to want the old series back. That's fair, but I wish that hadn't paid money for this podcast. There are a couple of much better free TP podcasts out there that seem to get the storyline much better and enjoy the comedy throughout.

7 years ago reply 3

I'm just glad we didn't have to wait until the final frame to get Cooper. I've been disappointed by Dougie all series however it was worth it to see Coop back this week. Can't wait to see how it's going to end this week....if it ends

7 years ago reply 0

I have to say I can't see how there's debate over the intentional nature of some of these effects. There's no way for it to be that uneven by accident or budget. These 2d, video distortions are exact as Lynch intended (and may have been done by him and Dunham in the editing room. There's no other way to take it than as a link to the 90s esthetic of the original show.

7 years ago reply 1