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Turtles can breath through their bums

2 years ago reply 0

Love you guys so much! Can't wait to catch up on all your Podcasts!

3 years ago reply 0

The Mutts nuts. Keep it up

5 years ago reply 1

Fab content as always! Ahhh you guys brighten up a morning!! ✨

5 years ago reply 0

Rule your own world baby! Love listening to you two, I've a decent 6 pack from laughing at your shannanigans! 😘

5 years ago reply 0

Great Podcast, watched the videos on youtube and i have really enjoyed learning your backstory, great humor cheered me right up!

5 years ago reply 0

Hey guys! So i actuallay listened to this aaaaages ago. You guys are hilarious. I searched mongol ralley on youtube because im planning on doing it in 2020 for my 30th aaaahhhh! And well found your videos and ive watched them all! Absolutly love it! My communtes to work on the train are with you guys. Im totally kinging it. Im soo bummed im away on the 15th of dec i would have loved to come see your premier and meet you both will and jess.. lets get the world kinging it!

5 years ago reply 0

You guys have the best stories!

5 years ago reply 0

You guys are hilarious! I can’t wait for the last part of the mongol rally to come out!

5 years ago reply 0

You guys are amazing! Love the videos, now I love the audios.

5 years ago reply 0

Bahaha you two are hilarious 😂😂 Thank you for sharing your stories. Can't wait to hear more!

5 years ago reply 0

Olives by the oneth lols, loved the Mongol Rally set, see you at Bigmoose soon

5 years ago reply 0

You pair literally crack me up 🤣 so happy you’re doing a podcast!

5 years ago reply 1

Love your story! This is the most detailed version I've heard. You two are tough AF!!

5 years ago reply 1