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A Patriotical partisan who is bigoted against cultures he doesn’t understand. He is frightened & projects it onto others. He really doesn’t understand the value of a Matriotic society or the benefit of living with people who don’t look like him. He has a book about ’Barney” his dog. Having a loving relationship with a dog shows he is quite the opposite at home. However if you are concerned about the future for your (his) kids, than you have the responsibility to NOT spread hate.

15 hours ago reply 0

Every time Biden makes a decision there is a trail of blood.

1 days ago reply 0

Another day, another frivolous impeachment demand, by Mark. If Congress listened to Mark they FAIL. Ever wonder why nobody in Congress listens to him because of these radical moves. One day he screams 45 should get immunity then out of the other side of his mouth he says no immunity for current president. He is a flip flopper. More for me, none for thee. Not a team player, an isolationist on a couch barking into a mic. This guy is a powder keg and one day Mr Producer will have to call for help.

1 days ago reply 0

When Mark is constantly pouring out his grievances & pitting American vs American, it provides the perfect DISTRACTION while WE fight each other it takes the focus off the rich corporatists who are cowering in fear of us raising tax rates on them. Corporate Monopolies are ripping off OUR Government and making us miserable pointing fingers at each other. INFIGHTING only destroys you & I. Refocus your anxieties by voting for YOUR rights. Don’t believe the fear mongering they work for the 1% ers.

2 days ago reply 0

As far as Isreal land, Isreal was conquered by The Ottoman Empire sometime in 1500’s. They were displaced & fled throughout Europe. The Global map was VERY different, the USA was the home of the Amercan Indian, the Mongrels were still around & most of the existing Countries have been conquered & recolonized many times over. France & England were the earliest Countries back then. The Palestinians colonized where Isreal WAS & in 1947 THEY displaced the Palestinians. Chaos ever since.

3 days ago reply 0

Another day another tall story, Boxgate. This is how the manufacturing of propaganda starts. I guess the prosecutor for the Government hired to retrieve Top Secret Documents & prosecute the criminal, has somehow mixed up the boxes that were mixed up by defendant 45 & Mark wants to investigate the investigators. Mark keeps selling you swampland in South Florida, when you ordered beachfront property. Manufacturing fear is always on sale here, keep your money. Partisan Hackery. Do your research.

3 days ago reply 0

Mark is tired and very sick. He has a chip on his shoulder the size of a Boulder. His views are just unpopular and feeling more isolated than ever. Most People are NOT at war with their own neighbors. We have always worked with each other and Mark looks to be more and more on the wrong side of history. He just doesn’t like people who are different than him. Nobody gets this wound up about how people actually live. His bubble is sealed up tight. The writing is on the wall, can he even read it.

4 days ago reply 0

Mark refers to the ”Golden Goose” as being OUR Government money that WE contribute to our retirement & Social Security & many other programs that help protect & keep our Country safe. After many years of Lobbying & accountants that have cracked our tax codes, the top 1% now own 5 trillion dollars. Instead of investing into our citizens they hoard the wealth and prosperity of OUR Country. So when Mark talks about the Golden Goose he shows us his greed. He is guarding it for the 1% who own him.

5 days ago reply 0

It’s demonic!! Spiritual warfare

6 days ago reply 0

Thousands of mosques have been built during the Biden regime. Look for mosque on Google maps.

9 days ago reply 0

Mark wants unearned power, controlled through hate, restricting & removing rights for OUR Women. Mark wants women back in the home, not working independently. He is afraid & scared of moving forward. His daily cries for help only fall on ears that are compassionate & are meant to instill fear into his listeners by taking away HIS comfortable 1950’s living. He is at war with changing times that benefit this Country. He is selling you a brutal world telling you the sky is red, when it is blue.

9 days ago reply 0

Mark is no leader. He thinks he is. He promotes chaos and attempts to spread this chaos throughout the Republican Party. He picks out a few from Congress and the Senate who are desperate for support. On paper his ideas look awful in legislation because they DON’T help People, YOU. He is actually dragging Republicans down. None of these ideas he has works in the real world. False promises. He is against food and aide to innocent people in need. These selfish views separate Americans into ”sides’.

9 days ago reply 0

Perhaps Mark is unaware that The Supreme Court is now deciding on ”Presidential Immunity”. This protection can give absolute Immunity to any crimes committed by a current President. Isn’t that what the radicals want. Besides if a President cannot enjoy these immunities HOW can he do his job with the fear of criminal charges when he leaves office.? This sounds like an official duty as President. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch LOVE Presidential Immunity, Mark just get used to it.

10 days ago reply 0

If Mark hates to see/hear that 30 thousand Palastinians have died and 70k injured, why doesn’t Netanyahu give their numbers of casualties. He keeps resorting to statistics from so called professionals and he CANNOT give us numbers from the Isreali side. He has NOTHING to compare to. He knows how much destruction has occurred and gets VERY angry when he sees the truth in front of his own eye. He has one defective eye using his ”eye for an eye” mentality. Cholera don’t you know.

11 days ago reply 0

State expect any more than what Israel has done and is doing What a democracy

11 days ago reply 0

Mark, you can not get a 2 state solution in Christianity, or if what they have isn’t working well together you would think for the all mighty they would How can any body or stat

11 days ago reply 0

Another day another target. When cornered, rats squeal the loudest. Marl’s buddies are aledged criminals so Mark has to do double duty defending his ilk with his thin-skinned conspiracies against fellow Americans. Most normal people call leaders of authoritarian countries evil, not Mark. The more the tall stories he tells the louder his squeals get. He is in a losing battle as 45 is spending more time in a court than on campaign trail. Will he ever support the rhino’s that are the better choice.

11 days ago reply 0

Mark is really good at painting targets on the back of Americans he perceives as evil. Every Friday he plays a song what he calls ”America”, very proud. The problem is the name of the song is ”America, the Beautiful”. He cannot use words like beautiful, caring, loving or anything much positive. Is it any wonder Mark is ignored in mainstream media and gets denied interviews on a weekly basis. He is a partisan back bencher who spews radical views to spread hate, fear & apathy. Real fun at parties.

14 days ago reply 0

Sure there have been some tough elections of the past. In a two party system people can get competitive.we learn from past mistakes and do things better. Mark lives in the PAST, this is why he quotes it so often. The fact is 45 invited MANY of his supporters to the Capitol compound & they RIOTED & broke into Congress as they were certifying the winner of the 2020 election. This interfered with the process & had to be delayed. Not since 1812 has it been breached. Mark just forgot to mention that

15 days ago reply 0

Both political parties have their share of grabbing a golden egg or two while in office. Shoveling tax breaks or cuts that have piled up pretty high these days. For profit economics leads to incessant greed. People lose their heads grabbing for the Golden Goose forgetting that we need BOTH parties to function. When one party fails to act to serve the People, society can break. Nixon, Reagan and now 45 did very stupid things that effect the balance that is needed for Citizens to prosper/grow.

16 days ago reply 0

45 was arrested for falsifying business documents, which are misdemeanors by themselves. What makes them felonies in NY law is falsifying business documents in furtherance or conspiring to commit additional crimes. INTENT is ALL that is needed to break the law. 45, David (president of The National Enquirer) and Michael Cohen set up a ”catch & kill” operation of catching negative stories about 45 and killing them leading up to 2016 election. Hush Money is not being charged as Mark says.

17 days ago reply 0

Sounds like Mark has a true conspiracy going on with these student protests. It has him riled up. For every George Soros there are two Republican donors like Charles Koch & Sheldon Adelson that Mark can turn to instead of screaming into a microphone turning his listeners into psychologists, to him. Dark money is a capatalist problem. Fight dark money with your own dark money. Sounds like Mark is quite blue in the face, repeating theories into the atmosphere. All this contempt in one human being.

17 days ago reply 0

There’s a fine line between indignant and retarded. Clearly, you don’t see it. 🙄

@msrita201572 : If I need a police escort to work, guess what?!?! I’m NOT GOING. 🙄
18 days ago reply 1

If I need a police escort to work, guess what?!?! I’m NOT GOING. 🙄

@msrita201572 : Am I a ”bagman” for the college. Again, no... No matter how much I hate Michigan. I’m just saying, if you want someone else to be accountable for YOUR safety, you deserve whatever you get... 🤷
18 days ago reply 0

Am I a ”bagman” for the college. Again, no... No matter how much I hate Michigan. I’m just saying, if you want someone else to be accountable for YOUR safety, you deserve whatever you get... 🤷

@msrita201572 : I would never go out in public... ANYWHERE, and expect someone else to be responsible for MY safety. To do so is ridiculous. You think I would walk down the streets of Oakland and think, ”I’m safe because someone else is looking out for me”? Heck no! I’ll avoid that town and any other that won’t let me go through a drive thru without being robbed while waiting for a a fast food order. I’m a Christian. I sure won’t be walking the streets of Deereborn! Common sense!! 😳🙄
18 days ago reply 0

I would never go out in public... ANYWHERE, and expect someone else to be responsible for MY safety. To do so is ridiculous. You think I would walk down the streets of Oakland and think, ”I’m safe because someone else is looking out for me”? Heck no! I’ll avoid that town and any other that won’t let me go through a drive thru without being robbed while waiting for a a fast food order. I’m a Christian. I sure won’t be walking the streets of Deereborn! Common sense!! 😳🙄

18 days ago reply 0

Ok... First of all .. I am NOT ”anti semetic”... Second, YES IT IS ABSOLUTELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE SAFE ANYWHERE YOU ARE! You, of all people should know, BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. If you do not feel safe, by all means, leave the area. I.E. parents picking up their students in the middle of the night .. Is that right? No. Should that have to happen? No. It’s not fair at all. But to sit there and say SOMEONE else is responsible for for your safety is ridiculous!

18 days ago reply 0

Again,life is alive before life is consummated, The eggs and sperm live to consider, The constitution needs to say every life is created equal, in mother’s overlies or tubs to womb is murder of an American Life, Is abortion privacy protected why, they should be proud with pride, like. People willing to commit murder on a helpless life inside them should not get medical care or police protection.

18 days ago reply 0

You can’t whine and moan about the ”Rule of Law” when you are on the wrong end of it.

21 days ago reply 0

Both impeachments have failed that Mark swore there was a crime there. We have NO recession though Mark said for months that we would be in one. Mark predicted truck drivers would not be able to fuel their trucks with diesel, lied. These performances are NOT based in fact. Those in office who listen to Mark’s advice end up defeated. These ideas are just a joke. Shutting down the Government and holding those who serve hostage dumb.? Bad ideas. How many losing elections will it take.? Legislate.

22 days ago reply 0

So Mark goes on a mission brings his family into a supposed military zone. Mark would not risk bringing his family, if there was danger. He is manufacturing a show playing the victim to pull you in, emotionally then blames others in an effort to gain power for his cause. He trusts a leader of another Country more then his own. He has an itchy trigger finger & radical views. Where is HIS loyalty.? Russia is now gaining ground on Ukraine while Mike Johnson and 45 are bending the knee to Putin.

23 days ago reply 0

Abortion is murder, now with all the contraception s on the Black Market in this why is this a problem. Who would want to embrace a woman like that. Female better worded. Ok write this* Got it Facebook*or God It* instead.

26 days ago reply 0

Now Golden Great Bald Eagle One Electric Stage Coaches Now the differential is C channel not a 6 foot linear alternator or generator to charge the car while it drives if not fully recharging will go a long way charging separate batteries electronically distributed keeping overheating controlled not a little alternator because the electrical unions have deceived Us along with the auto industry

26 days ago reply 0

Mr Great Bald Eagle One If we turned off every tenth Street light making allowance for high crime areas put the saving into solor and small wind fan upgrades Howe long before America is lit for almost free. The Homeland jobs lot free what would that do for the deficit Housing get DuPont, Dow and others to produce apts made from plastic wirind plumbing inside sell to 1==2=3 story buildings private investment will solve this lower rents and start a new auto industry collateral not collateral da

27 days ago reply 0

Back to Crist Back in the day split for Love or war you pick Then people did not live long marriage ensured the child would care for 35year old man or grand pa Today we live to 90, after your kids are 20 and your job is done because your wife may not want you or whatever If your mate dies you can remarry maybe for yourself or to mother children also what is the difference I prefer to search for life liberty and levin

28 days ago reply 0

Christianity Two State Solution never worked , one preying to the church of england Defeated in 1776, the other the Vatican in Rome and no Church for the Americas all made in glass, We are the West, the others just agree ,they are not Us The three Amigos Mexico never suited a soldier in Iraq or Vietnam or the World wars NAFTA should have included South America and dealt with the Drug problem at the same time or you don’t get in

28 days ago reply 0

Now WABC in New York can reach the Mohawk Nation ajoined to Canada Just so you know Native Indians I perfur Indians, are the only substance across 5000 miles that could actually form a party The British stole their land swindled basically different in the US it was war away I want a Republican Party in Canada , this is Prime Time for First Distinction and Independence

28 days ago reply 0

Mr. Great Bald Eagle One I am not religious, I observe mother nature for common sense solutions We can all agree on when the world will end without man or outside influences, the oceans will slow the planet and long before it stops the world is over as we know it Also we got here some Howe, we can all agree With all the religions which one , Russian Roulette Jews grow from inside don’t advertise purity is what they want something American Natives will never know

28 days ago reply 0