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Only media line is the media you’re on f****** Fox News

21 hours ago reply 0

That’s what you do your four eyed piece of s*** attacking lie lie in attack lie lie lie

21 hours ago reply 0

Information printed and/or videos that are watched on some websites and ”so called” news sites are ”manufacturing” a narrative that is generated by Artificial Intelligence. AI is being used to mislead and trick your eyes. This is ”new” technology and it is VERY deceptive. You should double and triple check your information source even google ”fact check” then the subject to get multiple stories OR/AND videos to watch. Fact check what I say here as well. Manufacturing fear is created here, IMO.

1 days ago reply 0

20+ years of paranoid partisan politics alters your personality into an adolescent hack fighting his own inner demons. And he wonders why no legitimate guests will go near this radical putz. Revenge, vengeance, anger & constant hate for others may be entertaining to laugh at, but lacks any real factual information, IMO. YOU are definitely NOT like this. He needs people to justify his utter madness.

2 days ago reply 0

As the election gets closer, Mark gets more desperate. Instigators start projecting onto the ”other party” squealing in an attempt to pull everyone into the ”mud pit” as things get better around them the worse they tell YOU that they NEED your vote or else the Country is in big trouble. Desperation. If they can get you to feel bad about your life, they gain someone new to work in the slop all whike keeping you well fed with a steady dose of radical, talk radio noise to keep you working. Breakout

3 days ago reply 0

As Mark character assinates our President obsessively day after day does he realize that 45 lost to this guy in 2020. As desperation sets in on Mark’s chances, he is left with scrapping the bottom of the barrel. No Mark knows not compromise or writing legislation he knows only to bark orders which all but insures a dangerous future. Republicans are not even running on an agenda. They have lost their way & can’t even help themselves. This all but guarantees Democrat victories for the future.

3 days ago reply 0

If you’re talking about the Republicans yeah they’re f****** corrupt and evil

4 days ago reply 1

They’re not just corrupt, they are evil also.

4 days ago reply 0

It is not recommended to play clips from other news sources if it raises your blood pressure. Mark is right these people are like cultists. News facts don’t matter when nothing else matters. They pray to a false idol as the idol steals their money. They don’t understand that HE is a victim and needs my monthly donation. He assured me HE doesn’t need my money but I give to him anyways, because he understands me the average guy. I work hard so that HE can spend my money as he wishes. HE is LIFE.

4 days ago reply 0

Religion is supposed to aide the sick when in need & support like minded individuals welcoming ALL people. Those who try to LABEL one group superior to another risks bigotry. The Founding Fathers explicitly separated Church & State in order to avoid the monarchy it fought to separate from. Mark is putting FAR too many fires out using a squirter gun. He is overwhelmed, thin skinned & believes he is the second coming of Rush Limbaugh. He is no Rush, he lacks self reflective humor.

5 days ago reply 0

With power comes a great deal of responsibility. Government Power requires MUCH more than 4chann adolescent discourse. With great money comes mob like power which NO civil Country can run on. These are serious choices which need to be made by only the most qualified individuals. Unfortunately, The Founding Fathers did not expect CIVIL Americans to vote for convicted felons. Our secrets have been revealed to our enemies the danger is real and you have a vote. Make sure you are registered.

5 days ago reply 0

And to catch all the millions of illegals, we could do it by collecting hospital data and school’s data on all these people.

5 days ago reply 0

We must follow the money trail all over the federal, state, cities, counties, etc. Around the country, daily, to combat corruption.

5 days ago reply 0

We also must come up with creative legal ways to get rid of all the forms of Marxist influencing media outlets. This kind of ideology will destroy our republic of we don’t take this issue seriously.

5 days ago reply 0

what great points Mr Levin is always sharing. I must of the time relate to his thinking one point that I would suggest to be spoken about is to form our create special vetted committees in the Trump administration to uncover all the past present and future administrations ’ staff members, and if they are confirmed traitors, must be jailed. in other words, we must make sure that no more traitor haters serve in any public office, federal, state, city, and different municipalities.

5 days ago reply 0

The tobacco industry used to be a booming industry in the seventies. The industry KNEW that smoking would lead to lung cancer & poor health and still pushed their products. Now that a majority of Americans quit smoking lung cancer has gone DOWN. The oil industry also knows how much pollution it pumps out into the atmosphere choking the planet. Many diseases are caused in the making of petroleum sources. Mark is knee deep in oil profits. Oil, tar & tobacco stains your teeth and rots the mouth.

5 days ago reply 0

Facts rarely come out of a maniacal, breathless angry presentation.

5 days ago reply 0

Lies, deception and defamation most always show their ugly faces. 2000 mules taken off movie market, Epoch Times president busted for $67 million fraud pyramid scheme and Infowars broken & liquidated to pay 1.5 billion dollar lawsuit. These extreme loud mouths are now finding out when they f*cked around. All running to a microphones screaming conspiracies & lies for profit. These are NOT people you want in Government. Hate, Power and Greed have infiltrated their minds & souls. Beware of Dogs.

6 days ago reply 0

Republican James Lankford proposed a very good bill for Republicans, on the Southern Border. McConnel approved at the time it was a bipartisan deal that favored Republicans, 45 kil*ed/disapproved it & the bill failed. 45 scrapped it because POLITICALLY Republicans want to use this as a wedge issue to beat up democrats & allowing more border crossings. Extreme Republicans & 45 are purposely destroying OUR Country for profit. They do NOT care about their citizens & are running on an insane agenda.

7 days ago reply 0

Lots of BS tonight. The ”Hunter Biden laptop” issue IS Russian disinformation that was hacked from Hunter’s ICloud account & Hunter’s hacked Burisma business email account which was put ONTO a pocket hard drive which was SOLD to Rudy Guiliani in 2020 while ”digging up dirt” in Ukraine. Giuliani paid 2 million or so for this hard drive which was THEN put onto a DIFFERENT laptop & was given to the blind Apple repairman, who claimed it was Hunter’s. Mark is pushing propaganda willingly or not.

8 days ago reply 0

Mark doesn’t like taking calls because of folks like Jack the lawyer who calls Mark out on his Ideology. Mark keeps talking about ”what Federal Laws have been broken”. The dummy doesn’t realize or worse he knows he is dead wrong that all Bragg had to do is prove INTENT in furtherance of a New York State Election crime. Mark got schooled by a caller, he gets very embarrassed by this & hangs up. Jack was correct Michael Cohen was charged in exactly the same way because he pleaded guilty same crime

8 days ago reply 0

To be very clear, a United States Senator is embracing/endorsing a convicted felon who was found guilty by a jury of 12 Americans and was brought by a District Attorney who was able to get an indictment from a Grand Jury of 24 Americans. To be clear we are to believe that we are to vote for 45 ignoring his troubles. Credibility for OUR presidents used to be very important. A president once wore a tan suit in the White House and was criticized incessantly on FOX. Now a convicted felon is OK??

8 days ago reply 0

Mark gets bad news, he over reacts thinks about it a couple days starts creating theories on how to get around the law, studies the law looks for old case law can’t find any examples, starts spreading his theories on his radio show gains traction from anybody listening talks to another lawyer or two, then finally comes up with a PLAN. How many times do we hear this scenario. He needs help. Screaming into his microphone alone in his hopium bunker PRAYING somebody can help/agree with him.

8 days ago reply 0

Oh and the Juan Merchan ”cousin” Facebook post from Michael Anderson was an attempt by a MAGA sh*t poster to push a mistrial. Mark is pushing Un sourced information, AI fakes, social media disinformation AND Russian propaganda. He is very smart but doesn’t understand these NEW technologies which can fake even the smartest people. Russia is very good at faking stories & pushing it into the WEB. Be very wary this election period, check your voter registration before Nov 5th! Stay Alert.

8 days ago reply 0

Today, tries to defend 45 because he is sad. As Mark tries to tie 2000 Bush v Gore decision to New York felony conviction he stumbles and hopes you don’t understand because it doesn’t make sense. NO 2024 election interference by Bragg. 45 KNEW he was in trouble with Top Secret Documents and it led to raid of Mar a Lago Aug 8th 2022. He THEN announced his presidency Nov 14th 2022. Alvin Bragg announced his indictments Apr 4th 2023. The crime was committed October 2015 when 45 was a citizen.

8 days ago reply 0

Another higher than normal Jobs report today, average workers are making MORE money and more jobs are available, to Americans. As Mark tries to paint this horrible picture of the USA burning, it is factually WRONG. As FOX and Levin here vomit gross words about our Country, under the current President, it sounds like an obsession to try to fool their audience to believ that the world is on fire. Maybe it is THEY who have left their Country behind even traitorous. Fake actors doing a terrible job.

8 days ago reply 0

The far left are opposed to some of the democrat agenda just like the far right is opposed to rinos. The difference is the far left WORKS with the democrats where the the far right is juiced up on a sugar high and are actually destroying the party from within. There is infighting & the lunies have taken over the Asylum. It will take 10 years before Republicans can rebuild. McConnel is out with no one to steer the ship. Hitting the iceberg may be the only way they learn from their mistakes.

9 days ago reply 0

There is a big difference in the telling of OUR history in stories, & up until 15 years ago the global reach of the internet and the smartphone. Today, we have eyes and ears on a lot more crimes. It is MUCH harder to sneak around and do your dirty deeds. Criminals are being nabbed daily by a camera here a cellphone there. MANY many crimes are being discovered now & irresponsible acts are coming to light. In the past people got away with a lot. Today People are now being held accountable.

9 days ago reply 0

Great tribute to our fallen! Tnx Mark

9 days ago reply 1

Gifts given to Supreme Court Justices 2004-2024: Justice Elena Kagan $1,184, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg $59,813, Justice Samuel Alito $170,095 and Justice Clarence Thomas $4,042,286. Four million forty two thousand two hundred eighty six dollars. Cumulative Gross Pay (10 years of normal pay+ gifts) $4, 677,100 for Mr Thomas. Is he making decisions for ALL Americans OR WEALTHY Americans.? YOU be the Judge

9 days ago reply 0

You got to change your s*** man all you do is f****** lie over and over and you know you’re sickening the same s*** degrading people why don’t you look at yourself you fat four eyed

9 days ago reply 0

He was convicted of business fraud, casino money laundered for Russian oligarchs, associated with mobsters, con artist, charity thief, racist, rapist, lazy, liar, thief, coward, paid doctor to fake bone spurs to get out military draft, he is an unindicted Co-conspirator in Arizona & Michigan, longtime Jeffery Epstein associate accused of sexual assault/harassment by a minimum of 25 women including a 13 year old, led a conspiracy to overturn 2016/2020 elections, incited a violent insurrection...

9 days ago reply 0

Sounds like Mark is now defending criminals like Manafort. Stone, Navarro, Eastman and Bannon. All brought to you by 45 only the best people. Some of these wackos are now saying having a felony conviction is very admirable. Very proud to be a criminal. I cant wait to teach my young children to go break the law its ok says Mark. For 250 years we have respected the rule of law, NOW these extreme right wingers are telling you that breaking the law is just fine. Mark is losing his marbles. Putz.

10 days ago reply 0

You’re a sick f*** you’re go that low with your mouth

11 days ago reply 0

Trump fucked young girls with Epstein ok watch the documentary on Netflix and evidence

11 days ago reply 1

Trump did the same thing you said he f*** his own daughter so shut the up

11 days ago reply 0

When you are not engaging with the other party, you have given up your responsibility to sit at the adult table you sit at the children’s table, wasting your time screaming for attention. Mark sits at the baby table (and at the FOX table) because instead of having REAL conversations about how to present his conservative views more beneficial to people he frequently dives deep into the weeds confusing many expecting them to understand then wonders why he produces very few Thomas Paines.

11 days ago reply 0

”Patriot extremism” The terms I learn here are minimal yet sometimes so fitting. Those young people who come to pray at the altar of The Great One are the ones who will be the most effected by extreme partisanship. The more that is revealed the more desperation, urgency & depravity comes bubbling to the top. Adolescent bluster & name calling makes for a terrible leader. We have a World Leader Pretend candidate with enablers who are just too thick headed to realize they pray to a false idol.

11 days ago reply 0

Thousands of Americans have already payed the price with their own freedoms for 45. He does NOT care how many more will go down, for him. He destroys the lives of people around him and replaces them constantly. He pays people to make to make his crowd size appear larger than it actually is. He pays those around him to keep quiet. He is NOT religious & despises anyone without pale skin. His deeply selfish ego keeps pushing him over the edge don’t fall for his grift. He is calling you, ghost him.

12 days ago reply 0

In March 2017 Mark made a very bold claim, ”they are spying on trump”. Mark is a genius, he has cracked the code. The only thing is it was NOT ”spying” it was an actual FBI counterintelligence INVESTIGATION into Trump which started July 31, 2016- May 2017. The operation was codename ”Crossfire Hurricane”. Before 45 took office the FBI already started to investigate him and his ties to Russia. James Comey confronted him on what he knew, 45 freaked and fired Comey which led to The Mueller Report.

12 days ago reply 0

The states had the right to secede with the ratification of the Constitution. That was affirmed by NY, VA, and RI. What applies to 3, must also apply to the rest. The post civil war amendments changed that.

12 days ago reply 0

During the entire 8 year Ronald Reagan administration the unemployment rate NEVER got below 4.1%. Today, 3.2%. Lower unemployment means more Americans are working and making money. Hey Republicans more work, less extremism.

13 days ago reply 0

If you ever wonder why politics the constitution & the rule of law are hard to understand, well you have Ronald Reagan to thank. Civics was a course taught in most grade/middle schools. During that administration (Mark worked in) they ELIMINATED these type of courses. Now many people do not understand how a night with a star turns into felony election interference that is the result of shoveling you a steady diet of fear burgers & disinformation fries. They get paid to push BS. FOX.

14 days ago reply 0

Biden. Trailer trash hits the big-time.

15 days ago reply 0

The Marxist left Democrats will do anything to gain and retain power. Remember they will do anything to achieve their goals. The ends justify the means. The conservatives/Constitutionalist and Republicans will never abuse the legal system to take out their enemies. Joe “Stalin” Biden said in February that he would use the legal system to assure that Trump never becomes President. When the minority uses power to rule over the majority it is a tyranny.

15 days ago reply 0

I woke up this morning knowing I no longer live in a free country. Mostly because of liberals like below.

16 days ago reply 0

Oh yeah I get him to the supreme Court where it’s rigged f****** a lido f****** clarance Thomas all f****** crooks so that Trump can get off oh yeah let’s go to the supreme Court you f****** piece of s*** with your lies levin you’re a piece of work. You’re the f****** problem you’re one of those lying m************.

16 days ago reply 0

This is not a great day I hope you are all doing OK. I am saddened that this Country has convicted a fellow American President. This is new territory other countries have had these issues and now we do. It is embarrassing to the rest of the civilized world. We used to honor the peaceful transfer of power. We failed to recognize the signs. Liz Cheney was right we Republicans need to move on and rebuild. Without 45. it may take a while but we all need to work harder at teaching Civics in school

16 days ago reply 0

The timeline of WHEN 45 announced his run for 2024 Presidential Election seems to have slipped out of Mark’s mind. August 8th, 2022 FBI searches Mar a Lago & recovered boxes some containing Top Secret SCI Documents. 45 THEN announced his candidacy for president on November 14th, 2022. The Mar a Lago raid came before the chicken AND the egg. He is running for President to stay out of jail. No Federal Election Interference. Mark keeps banging his head trying to shove a square peg into a round hole

16 days ago reply 0

Sure Mark, Bush v Gore (2000) Supreme Court steps in & Sandra Day O’Connor would not retire if Gore got elected, so they stepped in & George Bush is announced winner. After Florida finished the vote count Al Gore had more votes due to Jeb Bush throwing out minority voters. Typical racial gerrymandering. NOW Mark’s first remedy is to have Supreme Court step in for 45 while they are arguing ”absolute immunity” for him as well. Cheating only gets u SO far. Try doing the WORK instead of selling BS.

16 days ago reply 0

Funny certain Republicans want power to go to The State, then when a situation arises or when one of them is in trouble, they flip and want the power to go to The Federal Government with a partisan Supreme Court. While these flip floppers are spending millions/billions using mostly tax payer money in courts, for lawyers, lobbyists Americans suffer from their lack of responsibility of working ”For The People”. Only one side works for both parties as Republicans continue their losing streak.

16 days ago reply 0

Trump is no Reagan speaking but he did well until covid got tied around his neck. I just wish he would speak less.

17 days ago reply 0

Unfortunately, CURRENTLY our ”due process” rights protect Americans VERY well, especially if you are wealthy. 45 also has imbedded presidential preferable treatment. He also has the luxury of having accomplices working in Congress, the Senate and the Supreme Court. Thirdly he has the money to gum up the Court System. He has spent most of his life gaming & using the courts in efforts to exhaust ALL involved. He is playing the victim card now. I don’t think he will go to prison, in New York trial.

17 days ago reply 0

Losers know their limitations, SORE losers don’t know when to quit & most always go down whining & moaning. 45 has been a life-long Democrat who is pro abortion. He has been a conman most all his life. MAGA is stolen slogan. Save America is a grift. 45 is stealing money from good Republicans & average Americans to pay for his legal bills. He is cleaning out the RNC coffers and will leave Republicans broke. 45 is a fraud, a loser & poor Mark has fallen for him for a plate of well done shrimp.

17 days ago reply 0

Trump is going to jail yes he’s nothing but a crook and a piece of

17 days ago reply 0

Mark is sharing tonight a case that he worked diligently on during Bill Clinton administration, in the ninety’s. Could have been the last successful case he worked on. School Choice is a name that sounds great, CHOICE. NOT so much. School Choice is basically trying to privatize public education. ANOTHER industry they want to make you PAY for public education K-12. We currently enjoy basically free education till 12th grade. This would DESTROY our educational system. A Radical Idea, from Mark.

17 days ago reply 0

Trump: is among those ”that wait upon the Lord” who ”renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles. They will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

17 days ago reply 0

Here we go again another day in the same b******* from your mouth lies

18 days ago reply 0


19 days ago reply 0

We have traitors in our midst. One is below.

19 days ago reply 0

Go suk Rachel maddow’s dik caddy

19 days ago reply 0

Saying violation on Trump you do the crime you do the time shut the up

19 days ago reply 0

Oh how come you skipped that part from the person you are humiliating bleach Bond bad body you’re a real piece of work levin

19 days ago reply 0

I don’t care either you’re a f****** moron you’re a piece of s*** you’re always lying and you ain’t no different than the rest of them and I don’t care!!😂

19 days ago reply 0

Border crossings down 50% in May during a typically busy time at the Southern Border. Look to here about Caravans rushing that area, AI generated crowd size will of course be splashed all over FOX. At some point a lot of people are going to look into their wallets and wonder where did it all go.? At the same time 45 will counting it. Hope y’all have a great weekend.

20 days ago reply 0

Thank Jehovah for u Mr Levin!

22 days ago reply 0

Corruption matters how come it doesn’t matter where Trump he can f****** do anything he’s a rapist he’s a f****** crook he’s a f****** piece of s*** and you still talk about him like he’s holier than thou f*** you all mother f******

22 days ago reply 0

Even your ads for your phone is junk and garbage there is one of the reviews

22 days ago reply 0

Initial Complaint 03/19/2024 Complaint Type:Product Issues Status:Answered More info I received an advertisement in the mail from this company expounding on how they are fighting the woke, liberal democratic cell phone companies by offering their cheaper cell service that doesnt make donations to democrat campaigns . Their claim of cheaper service due to this seems negated by there own statement: Were different from the other carriers because we donate a portion of your monthly subscription

22 days ago reply 0

World War II - 1935-1945. Civil War - 1861-1865. American Revolution- 1765-1783.

23 days ago reply 0

History repeats, we must learn. Every 80 years we forget our history as older war veterans pass on. The 1929 Republican Great Depression brought us bread lines. Extreme republicans keep trying to take over Government to steal from The Golden Goose. When they do, they will drain its coffers IMO. Sure your Social Security will still come, HOWEVER it will be given to a PRIVATE bank which will enrich the wealthy AND put that money at RISK. These extreme republicans ONLY work for themselves, not YOU.

23 days ago reply 0

Because he had documents he didn’t give up and they knew it and then they finally caught him with him in the bathroom and now the videos of that f****** dude boy of his moving them around come on now don’t make it sound so oh it’s a pretty picture and oh my God what did they do the was hiding documents

23 days ago reply 1

”We are the United States, when our leaders are wrong, we are still right”- Mark Levin, 5/22/24

24 days ago reply 0

The (normy) Republicans have lost the popular vote for 20 years, one gave us war, & in 2007- 2009 gave us The Great Recession. Democrats then FIXED the economy. The Tea Party started their nonsense in 2012, looked good on FOX but did NOTHING to help Republicans win. The other president refused to concede 2020. The stock market broke records currently @ 40k, Under 45 it never got passed 20k. Dems are cleaning our clocks & half are drunk on power not realizing 45 is wrecking The Republican Party.

24 days ago reply 0

I cannot tell you how pissed off I am at this government. I’m struggling at 70, in a family of 4. My daughter is sick and can’t work, my grandson 16 and another person who we took in to help her. I can’t afford to do squat. Taxes are high. Food is ridiculous. When I hear about these illegals waltzing across the border and getting more than what I make on soc sec after working 48 years!!! I want to kick some . This government is CORRUPT AND OUT OF CONTROLL. THEY NEED TO BE STOPPED.

24 days ago reply 0

I call the Dems willingness to nominate such an incapacitated person elder abuse

25 days ago reply 0