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(2) but then when we say ”hey what about caring about us being violated” it’s ”stfu no one’s doing anything to you guys, you bring it on yourselves” etc. Everyone wants to denounce being performative but skip over the type of performative that’s ”oh let’s all be nice, be respectful, don’t laugh, someone died etc.”. No! shoe on the other foot, these people gonna feelyour kid even accidently falls in a pool & dies? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

10 months ago reply 0

Whose holding their breath pretending to care a bunch of extra rich a-holes who didn’t want to do the educational work actual marine biology etc. folks do to explore the depths of the ocean fked around & found out? How’s feeding hungry poor children around the world going? Too much money, too much pride thinking you own nature got them that outcome. bwights be doing the most want sympathy...(1)

10 months ago reply 0

The only place it’s rare... congress. Smgdh & then we wonder why they make decisions that make utterly no sense for single parents & sound crazy talking about bootstraps. F your bootstraps you purposefully made it harder for me to live & provide for my kids just bc im single! Everyone can’t be married, everyone shouldn’t be married.

1 years ago reply 0

On the cancellation. I’ve stated my hum le op. before the show was unapologetically black & most of us fans had to work late nights or study for school so we were watching later on streaming services like Hulu, some of us couldn’t afford cable packages that included CC anyways. They didn’t count views from those sources

1 years ago reply 0

Not going to pretend I’m not utterly jealous of her teen job experience. still trying to get to comic con to this day at a much higher entrance fee plus by time I hit job age comic stores were basically dead in my city.

1 years ago reply 0

correcting typo *not getting off your a$$*

1 years ago reply 0

But guess Im too stupid to understand anything according to you older dem voters since I was apart of the movement that was a vote for Obama as well in 2008. But he did back thatup with policy those a-holes blocked anything he put forward. He got ACA passed thank god its a good start for everyone to get the health care they deserve even if it aint perfect! Go vote dem downballot this year & 2024 on protecting that from repiglicans alone whiny uninspired dems!

1 years ago reply 0

And when I say vote against, not getting off your to vote at all bc your candidate didnt get the nomination counts too. All you pouty, whiny take the ball & run home bc I cant get everything I wanted, are just as guilty & problematic too you helped republicans set women back 50 years a-holes! You all handed Mconurtle that win on a silver platter! Thanks a lot! From a young female black voter who saw Hillary was still better than what we got even though Bernie inspired me more.

1 years ago reply 0

cont. Somehow get these good ideas & messaging to them the way Foxnews was able to somehow get their trash straight to Trump! Bc I dont know what to say or translate from higher learning speech to lower educated regular citizen speech either but I get the dems. I be confused watching people around me vote against their own best interest bc I clearly see & get(hear) the dems are going to help me more & the other side taking me back to cotton fields with absolutely no rights or say in anything!

1 years ago reply 1

Ok not that I hate the show, not even close, but very annoying he & his guests go on & on how dem side can win, what they ”should” be saying, how they f%@$ up messaging etc. but then ALWAYS say ”im not a politician, im not giving anyone advice, im no one’s campaign strategist & DONT want to be” YOU SHOULD BE! YOU KNOW WHAT TO SAY, YOU SHOULD BE TELLING THESE DEMS WHAT TO SAY, HOW TO WIN. bc I do my part im out voting to get them in or keep them in to save my life!

1 years ago reply 0

very easy to listen to

2 years ago reply 0

Stay black✊

3 years ago reply 0

On the very original due date given which coincides with the period you knew you had despite birthcontrol pill mishap & the conception dates matching the only intercourse you'd had during that time. You wind up going into labor on the way to the hospital & have to sit there hungry unable to eat for over 16 f-ing hours bc they wont let you go home until you're dilated enough to even bother being there. No one acknowledges this is due to their possible mistake in changing your due date.

3 years ago reply 0

How we die in childbirth they ask....starts with having your due date changed by a whole week because an ultrasound tech,not doctor, thinks your fetus looks too big for that week of gestation & proceedes to tell you that you don't know when your period was when you know the exact possible dates of conception because it's a honeymoon baby & that was what you were going off of. Then tells you you can't know when your baby was conceived.Causing unnecessary marital conflict & scheduling of induction

3 years ago reply 0

I'd like to have heard Mr. Blows reasons why he left Florida & Texas off the suggestion list & if he'd be open to take it bigger & lean towards Mr. Garvy's idea that we should go back to Africa, mend the broken bonds that produce the complexes between our peoples everywhere, help remove dictators & terror organizations obviously, & rebuild it to be the successful, safe haven for all of us that it can be. Would like to hear Mr. Blows take if it could work for us or not & why.

3 years ago reply 0

Great conversation. Im headed south in the very near future where both my loving grandmas were from & left some family behind. Not necessarily for his reasons I actually love the heat & just want a change from the barely surviving medium sized northern city I was born in. I did lament being tired of fighting to be seen as a human & just commented on the "While Black" podcast the same sentiment that we keep begging white people to just let us be humans & it still hasn't happened.

3 years ago reply 0

My first time listening and I appreciate your encouragement especially during this season of this pandemic. love your wit!

3 years ago reply 0

love this man, he's so smart and so on point all the time. hope he stick around and talk to us we need his voice.

3 years ago reply 0

Larry . stop saying "you know" so much. We will think you are Hillary Clinton!

3 years ago reply 0