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This is the one episode that I was not pleased to listen to. Yes, all the facts were correct but your reporting looks at this whole story through a single modern lense when what Jefferson did with Sally was completely normal at the time. It would not be appropriate today AT ALL, yes, but I feel you should be informing your listeners that this was considered appropriate and normal at the time.

1 years ago reply 0

The episode ends very abruptly for me while heโ€™s having a letter read to him. Anyone else?

1 years ago reply 0

I miss this podcast ๐Ÿ˜ž

3 years ago reply 1

I would listen to Ashley reading a tax manual! Really like her voice and accent so even though I'm not that interested in American presidents I'm going to binge these! lol ๐Ÿ˜

3 years ago reply 0

Love this!!!! Wishing youโ€™d do all the presidents !

3 years ago reply 0

It seems likely that most elected people around the world are puppets for rich and powerful people, in which case you have to question if democracy is in name only. The only true democracy is in Switzerland where the people are continually engaged with decision making and even there it's likely there is manipulation behind the scenes.

3 years ago reply 0

It would be interesting to hear the positive as well as the questionable actions of these presidents, although if some of them do associate or engage in criminality perhaps the positives for some of them may be few and far between. It seems that a number of them were puppets for powerful people behind the scenes, and those unelected and powerful people might be interesting to hear about. It would also be interesting to hear about the impact of their presidency on modern times.

3 years ago reply 0

glad your back

3 years ago reply 0

Really terrible reporting. A lot like Today's purported "reporters". Let's see how we can twist American History to make everyone hate and distrust every leader who held office! Mudslinging! Bottom feeders!

3 years ago reply 1

This podcast felt like an early American Facebook page.

3 years ago reply 1

Also, you need to take a closer look at the time period, rather than apply today's standards. White men were not the first slave owners. Slave trade existed WORLD WIDE, and they weren't just black. Can we all focus a little more on facts rather than weak feelings. Africans sold their people to Jews, who transported them here. And by all technicality, Jews aren't white. So your, again, virtue signaling makes you look like a weak fool. Also feel really bad for your husband, who I'm sure, is white.

3 years ago reply 3

Explain to me how Washington kissing the bible sparks your comment, "so much for separation of church and state." You are a good story teller, Ashley, but your consistent virtue signaling in your podcasts makes them unbearable to listen to. You seem to always take an jab at people who hold firm in faith, like in the case of Lynn Messer on Crime Junkie. This podcast took a hit because you were more interested in character assasination than the good they did for our young nation.

3 years ago reply 3

Hi Ashley..i am familiar with Thomas Jefferson and the enslavement of Sally Hemming and the children they had together. The Jefferson Foundation tried to denied Sally Hemming descendants saying they were not Thomas Jefferson descendants. Thank you for this your podcast.

3 years ago reply 0

And you know this about African Americans because you ARE one? Iโ€™m tired of White people speaking on Black people issues.

@Reviewer : Your comments suggesting Trump is a racist and a white supremacist has lost myself as a follower. He has denounced white supremacy numerous times and had done more to help African-Americans than prehaps any POTUS with the exception of Lincoln. Bad, bad suggestion by you.
3 years ago reply 1

OMG. Please, please, tell me this isn't the last episode. I work nights test equipment in the OR, and found you podcasts and delight in listening to your voice and learning.

3 years ago reply 0

Washington kissing the Bible has nothing to do with the separation of church and state.

3 years ago reply 4

No...not the last one!!!! Will there be a season 2? This is my second favorite podcast.

3 years ago reply 0

I suggest that those who were as upset as I was by Ashley's backhanded comment reach out directly to the Parcast Network.

3 years ago reply 1

I had to rewind it to make sure I really heard what she just said. I listen to almost everything Ashley has her hands in. No more.

3 years ago reply 1

Good for you calling out racists in positions of power in your current government. It takes bravery, and morals to stand up to people in power and call them on their short comings! Bravo.

3 years ago reply 1

Your comments suggesting Trump is a racist and a white supremacist has lost myself as a follower. He has denounced white supremacy numerous times and had done more to help African-Americans than prehaps any POTUS with the exception of Lincoln. Bad, bad suggestion by you.

3 years ago reply 4

In her own words referring to Andrew Johnson... "The kind of white supremacist that would tell them to stand down and stand by". Really? Are you part of that group that's calling trump white supremacist? He has repeatedly condemned white supremacy and hate groups of any kind. Can we please stop spreading fake news and be honest!

3 years ago reply 2

You are sadly very foolish if you believe what you have said...sadly you've been for a balance in knowledge.

3 years ago reply 3

Wow. I have really enjoyed this podcast until now. This podcast is supposed to present facts from history, not your snarky comments about politics. I won't be able to see your reply because I am u following your podcast, as well as every other one I am subscribed to that you are involved in. You have a right to free speech, and I have the right not to listen to you.

3 years ago reply 5

So far really enjoying this Podcast, just wondering about the advertising? Bloomberg tends to lean one direction, and hoping that your pod casts don't start to as well.

3 years ago reply 0

WOW... Are you calling President Trump a white supremacist? I need a reply. You better leave your political thoughts out of your podcast or you will lose at least half of your listeners.

3 years ago reply 6

Love this stuff...after US presidents start on world leaders ๐Ÿ˜

3 years ago reply 0

Amazing stuff! Series should be mandatory curriculum in every school.

4 years ago reply 0

I have listened with great interest to every one of your Very Presidential podcasts. Your hardwork is evident. However, while interesting, I am disappointed in the FDR episode. Your focus was mostly on his personal life. You failed to mention his scandalous and racist appointment to the Supreme Court, Hugo Black. Black was a KKK member as well as a grand kleagle in the operation. You failed to mention his own Democrat Party turning against him due to his socialistic decisions. SAD !

4 years ago reply 1

Hey, wondering when you're going to do a podcast on the DEPLORABLE in office now? Better sooner than later...

4 years ago reply 1

Very interesting! I had no idea about him.

4 years ago reply 0

Obviously, the last time you saw pussy and didn't have to pay for it, was the day you were born. That is some sweet pro-paedo rhetoric you got going on...gtfo.

@ExclusiveBroadcasting_-Space((EBS)) : and cultural-basis abd perceptual-and-reasoning-basis derivation ( with this type classes' ways, perceptiobs, and culturalization, (and social-organization) being largely based in "instructions-given", - in the following of instructions and patterns feed to and given to those of such type of classes and they tend to not see beyind the borders and boundries of that box which has been feed to them/given to them to secure them/with which for them to secire themselves as a given group-type and com )
4 years ago reply 2

and cultural-basis abd perceptual-and-reasoning-basis derivation ( with this type classes' ways, perceptiobs, and culturalization, (and social-organization) being largely based in "instructions-given", - in the following of instructions and patterns feed to and given to those of such type of classes and they tend to not see beyind the borders and boundries of that box which has been feed to them/given to them to secure them/with which for them to secire themselves as a given group-type and com )

4 years ago reply 0