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Coop, I love and appreciate you brother! Keep going brother. I love your sharpening!

1 months ago reply 0

Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing. You’re making a huge impact. May God continue to bless you and your family abundantly as you walk in the power of Holy Spirit ❤️

5 months ago reply 0

Isreal hates us. Quit picking sides from jew controlled media.

8 months ago reply 0

I wonder if a belief in theistic evolution is a precursor to accepting the new gender ideologies. A believer in theistic evolution said he believes that God created people and that he used evolution to do so. A number of Christian elites also support theistic evolution (Keller, NT Wright, etc). Somehow, in my mind, the two things are related. I mean, if evolution is true, couldn’t someone make the claim that people evolved to such an extent that gender isn’t what it used to be?

11 months ago reply 0

I know black people that say they are prolife and don’t agree with their political part but still voted Democrat. It’s all a lie. I am so tired of the fight over skin color.

1 years ago reply 0

Why’s does your awake album symbolize the Illuminati one eye?

1 years ago reply 0

I still pour into my adult kids. The world around us has changed so much. We have family members that have completely walked away from the Jesus and the church. My heart aches for them. I talk to my kids a lot letting them know that a relationship with Jesus is so important and if they have sin they need to repent and bring it to Jesus. They know I’m not perfect but I do desire to live in God’s truth. Bless you John. So thankful for your podcast.

1 years ago reply 0

There is so much in this podcast I wish I had time to comment but it was compelling and I love how she put pastors feet to the fire and she is absolutely right but now I am convicted about what I can do! I am definitely a pro life advocate but I love how she said she is more pro choice than the “pro choice” movement. I’m don’t have a ton of disposable funds at this moment but what can I do to make a difference? I have family members who are strong opposition of my feelings and it is hard.

1 years ago reply 0

Interesting that they shoved down her throat she couldn’t afford another mouth to feed but didn’t give her adoption as an option and was happy to take a struggling single mothers $350.

1 years ago reply 0

Another podcast that spoke to me! God lead me to listen to these the past two days! Thank you for your ministry!

1 years ago reply 0

Love this episode Coop! But I have to disagree with you one one point, yes Coke is better than Pepsi. However, Dr Pepper is the best!

2 years ago reply 1

What a great message today! Yes - I agree completely - Jesus can & will deliver us from anxiety & depression. I have struggled with both and praise God, I did not succumb to the pit. Yes, I reached out for help; yes, Jesus sent help in human form AND he transformed me. Keep seeking Him & his will, read His word, study the word - we do not have the right to take any life, including our own. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit & we need to call out for His help. Thank you John!

2 years ago reply 0

You are such a blessing to the body of Christ, John. The Spirit is essential to understanding scripture and doing God’s will!

2 years ago reply 0

”Christians want the scriptures to be downstream of the culture you like.” Another awesome quote here!

2 years ago reply 0

”I know it feels right, that’s the problem!” Brilliantly put John. Thanks for what you do!

2 years ago reply 0

I just started listening to your podcasts because a friend suggested it. I started with the first of 2022 and man I LOVE your thoughts, views and biblical references as well. Due to past health history I did get the vaccine and the booster BUT I feel like I am still being held down with a mask still in places (I.e. airports, airplanes, work). Work is not their fault they have to follow STATE mandates as I work in medical facility. When will this mandate end!!! Keep up the truth you are sharing

2 years ago reply 0

This episode was so good. Thank you John for staying in fight. One interesting fact is in the beginning they all mocked the word deconstruction like what is that??? They knew full well what it meant as they showed later in their pod cast. This is so typical of their tactics. Also the dumbing down of words is why we have so many weak people in this world. Stand strong fellow believers. This is a fight we should all be ready to join in. Put on your armor. Again thank you John.

2 years ago reply 0

John, never stop searching and listening to GOD. As I have stated previously our churches are infiltrated. We are at war, for eternity. Anyone claiming to be a Christian and doesn’t know that is asleep. In battle the greatest resistance is over the target. At which I believe you are spot on. Shining GOD’s light on darkness. You should expect even more shrieking as more darkness will come to it’s aid and is burned away. Perhaps there is a reason veggies were taken away.

2 years ago reply 0

God bless you John! Thanks for speaking out and for speaking biblical truth and helping us navigate these difficult waters.

2 years ago reply 0

Thank you, John! We have a daughter in university, and she & her whole friend group have been indoctrinated into the CoVid cult. This was full of great truths. Sharing it. Also thanks to ^aiclipperton67 for that recommendation.

2 years ago reply 1

I’d like to suggest that you read Total Truth by Nancy Piercy. She addresses how culture has invaded Christianity and how to reclaim a Biblical worldview. I’m a factory worker and if I can understand the book, a rock star sure can.

2 years ago reply 2

John, just had to say how much we appreciate you keeping it real and being a voice in the body of Christ who is using his platform to reach and bless so many! Can’t wait to see you guys at Winter Jam in Bossier! And Ready for this Album. #NoWokeCookies

2 years ago reply 1

Thank you for always posting raw truth. It may not be the popular message, but it‘s the message of God‘s word. Be blessed, and Merry Christmas!

2 years ago reply 1

Never stop searching and listening to GOD. Illusion we have been given is that Satan and Luciferian’s (his worshipers) don’t exist. They do exist there is infiltrated our churches, synagogues, our governments, … Just as in the days of Noah. Any Pastor it is pushing the jab is not for Jesus. The evidence is overwhelming that this is a depopulation shot! Search DuckDuckGo for Nuremberg 2.0. Trust in no man for salvation Jesus is the only way! Fear not only believe!

2 years ago reply 0

This podcast is on fyaaaah! In a good way

2 years ago reply 0

Food for thought.

2 years ago reply 0

Love others, bleed a little. Go back to Alice Cooper‘s Only Women Bleed. Kind of the same abuse. Jab is deadly as a man beater.

2 years ago reply 0

LOL 😆 Chemaphobe 🤣🤣🤣 I love this podcast

2 years ago reply 0

So good Cooper!!! Thank you for advocating for the truth; we are definitely to be a light in the darkness. We certainly can only do that if we are truth lovers.

2 years ago reply 0

One other thing- I enjoy listening to several podcasts- Al Mohler, Alisa Childers, etc. My kids are often hearing them when we’re in the car and both my 14 and 10 year olds said they most enjoy listening when I have Cooper Stuff on. Thanks for covering important things in such a way that people of all ages can enjoy and benefit from. It leads to great conversations with my kids. We also enjoyed your book.

2 years ago reply 0

We actually do know at least two families in our church who had Covid last year and recently had their second bout with it. I don’t know if they had been vaccinated or not, but we know lots of people who had never gotten Covid, were vaccinated, and then got Covid after being double vaccinated.

2 years ago reply 1

I work at a hospital in Oklahoma and they are mandating the vaccine by October 15 👎🏼👎🏼

2 years ago reply 0

It is happening here, John! In NY medical professionals are losing their jobs if they don’t get the vaccine.

2 years ago reply 0

Thanks John for speaking the truth!

2 years ago reply 0

My husband and I had covid in March 2021. Our 10 year old son and my mother-in-law had it in July. My husband and I were completely fine! We had eaten off the same spoon of our son!! We were completely fine! Did not get infected again! We had strong antibodies. Praise Jesus.

2 years ago reply 0

Oh my goodness!!! Every bit of this yes yes yes!! Thank you!

2 years ago reply 0

People has become God's themselves that they now challenge the word of God. There's no reprove, holiness and rebuke anymore. This progressive church is so dangerous and people needs to open their eyes before it's too late...

2 years ago reply 1