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This was good and has enhanced my understanding of psychology and astrology. I have a master’s in psychology and a PhD in religious philosophy. This is amazing I enjoyed it.

5 months ago reply 0

Omg I think this was my favorite episode EVER! I look forward to your show EVERY SINGLE WEEK! You’re the BEST storyteller! 💜

1 years ago reply 0

Absolutely loved this episode with Cameron Allen His analysis of void of course moon was for me impactful, insightful and rich in wisdom I came away having a much deeper understanding of what the moon void of course actually implies please continue to have him back

1 years ago reply 0

I know you are trying out new peeps but OMG I miss Anne so much! Please bring her back.

2 years ago reply 0

Anne’ astrological predictions are spot on; delivered with compassion, great storytelling and lots of humor. Amanda steers the ship with finesse and frames the conversation so you can leave with “ actionable and immediate insights” for the week. Thank you both!

2 years ago reply 0

Rick was right on about a big surprise the first of the month. Wow.

3 years ago reply 1

Please extend my praise and thanks to Georgia. She's so knowledgeable and generous. Blessings!

3 years ago reply 1

I love the shows with the Merlin! You two are my favourite astrologers and I am so happy you work together!

3 years ago reply 0

Love this. That physical step by step visualization is what I've been missing. Thank you!

3 years ago reply 0

This is so profound. I am able to follow Mr. Levine, but I can not actually incorporate it, as a known quantity. It all makes perfect sense as I'm listening, but then I get lost. Struggling with the enormity of it, I guess. Also Amanda, I think we may be astro twins. My b-day is 01/17/1962, Capricorn rising, with Saturn in Aquarius.

3 years ago reply 0

I love the q/ a with Rick! Hope to hear more of him!

3 years ago reply 0

love this every week! Keep it up!

4 years ago reply 0

First time hearing your podcast and love it. I agree and been talking about comparing hiv and this virus the fear and confusion are similar, except we arnt blaming and full of hate towards victims. Love your podcast

4 years ago reply 0

I really do feel for any astrologer trying to predict with these hidden wild cards and events going on behind this pandemic simultaneously..

4 years ago reply 0

Hmmm if there are mass arrests taking place in Italy and about to take place in New York, as opposed to all the deaths alleged by fake news media in regards to the CoVid-19 outbreak, could it alternatively mean a lot of resistance from the old guard (deep state) I mean could jupiter be expanding pluto, in respect of adding power to the taking out the old guard?

4 years ago reply 0

Love this conversation, so grounding and refreshing..., thank you two for having this conversation! Hope and pure potential is what keeps it real and worth fighting for!!! ♡☆♡ Going to be the silent witness by observing and moving as best I can towards acceptance and transcendence. Much love and many blessings on our way!!! ♡☆♡

4 years ago reply 0

Love these women

4 years ago reply 0

Review on the broadcast in general. I like it overall. I did not realize how much I enjoyed watching, not really watching because I'm at work, until I did not have the option. There's a family familiarity that is lacking with the podcast version. I listen to videos throughout my day & Astrology Hub I miss seeing you. I love the casual talk between guest and Amanda. The scripted portions do not authentic to whom I've grown to"feel" I know personally. Love the growth and processes to engage all even when it seems overall. Astrology Hub has changed my life and I've been a member since you started. No where near a seasoned veteran & I'm to fault only. Love the expansion! Look forward to more. Jodie Corwin

5 years ago reply 0

What a wonderful way of describing overcoming and identifying our challenges, weaknesses and how to look within to be conscious of our often habitual habits. Relaxing versus reacting.

5 years ago reply 0

Thank you for this forecast. It provides a framework for understanding what is unfolding in my daily life. im particularly happy to learn about all the change coming. I plan to dedicate Mars in Taurus time too slowing down and putting my energy into being present in the moment

5 years ago reply 0

I love the actionable, relatable content.

5 years ago reply 0

Short, simplified, and to the point general astrological forecast. I really like listening to Donna's voice. I am looking forward to listening to future podcasts!

5 years ago reply 0

Thank you Donna for your fresh new perspective of neptune. I've never connected binge watching as an escapism quality of the 12th house ruler. Thank you!

5 years ago reply 0

The topics are very interesting and features a great host. This is the most professional astrology podcast I've listened to so far.

5 years ago reply 0

Most intriguing approach to astrology to date...looking forward to learning more...Thank You David for this amazing work 🙏

5 years ago reply 0

This is amazing!!! I grew up as such a depressed child so I focus all my attention on helping others feel happy. I thought it was my femininity that held me back and I resented it and prayed to God every day to take that part of me away. My serious relationships have always involved a narcissist that I thought I could nurture enough to warm their hearts and then I would run when I realize that I would never be able to give enough to them. When forced to stay for the sake of my children, I began to feel an intense burning inside me. I mean I literally felt like I was on fire for almost all of 2017. I know depression well and I know how to sit with it but this was so intense. It was not until I found Vic Dicara and then heard Amanda's interview yesterday and now this!!! Thank you ladies!!! Thank you so so much. I feel so so blessed to have found this!!!

5 years ago reply 0

This was empowering!! Thank you🙏

5 years ago reply 0