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🍓Hi) My name is Paula, I’m 23 years old) I’m an aspiring sех model 18’+) I like to be photographed in the nudе) Please rate my photos on this link ➤

5 months ago reply 0

in NY tons of underdog sympathy, people who share experiences, it is true idf is the golliath in this equation, underdog landed a punch on the way to the canvas in the 11th round, if you’ve been watching this fight, you know the outcome. ding, next round.

7 months ago reply 0

Well that’s scary bill is now a vaccine denier. Is it going to endorse Kennedy next week?

7 months ago reply 0

@niphmy - there is a writers and actors strike. The TV show is not in production now. No new episodes since April

9 months ago reply 0

New episodes stopped appearing for me on this platform back in April. I’ve even uninstalled and reinstalled this app but no change. Help!

11 months ago reply 0

Bill have no idea how you will ever get the taste of elon’s asshol$ out of your mouth

1 years ago reply 0

Sorry. It was the video of the marketing persons video that thru people over the top

1 years ago reply 0

The Dylan Mulvaney didn’t bother ne

1 years ago reply 1

The problem with ”I’m a parent and I get to decide what my child is taught” is that too many parents aren’t capable of making informed, intellectual, open-minded decisions. Many of the parents most upset about what is being taught in school are those who lack the education and/or understanding to teach their own children, nevermind decide what other kids should learn or not learn. Are teachers supposed to have a separate curriculum for every child?

1 years ago reply 0

It’s funny, I’m listening to this episode of Bill’s show after the election and it’s hilarious to hear him say that it’s pointless to try and get the young to vote. They’re the only reason that we have held the so-called Red Wave back! They turned out in droves! I’ve noticed bill has been wrong a bit more often than he ever used to. I hope he gets back in touch with the progress of the modern world. He’s been disappointing me more and more often with his stubborn opinions.

1 years ago reply 0

Something’s wrong on this platform none of the podcast play more than 10-15 minutes tops might have to switch to a new provider

1 years ago reply 1

I’m finally realizing Bill talks over women a whole lot more than he talks over men. He interrupted this poor conservative woman countless times. He didn’t interrupt the men almost at all. Maybe a half a dozen times in the whole show. He interrupted her so many times in one minute that I had to stop the episode for a while and let my blood pressure go down.

1 years ago reply 0

I absolutely love this podcast, HBO show, but Bill really needs to stop interrupting and talking over his guests at an almost constant rate. It’s utterly exhausting and totally frustrating. Let somebody speak once in awhile Bill!

1 years ago reply 0

Omg, that Kellyanne Conway is one of the most obnoxious freaky ignorant destructive human beings on the planet period and annoying and grating as hell!

1 years ago reply 0

Holy cow, your College tuition discussion missed so many important facts. Repeated Studies have shown that people who graduate from college and had it paid for contributed $7 in taxes for every $1 the government paid for their tuition. Do the math, that is huge for our country! Also, we are the only Advanced Nation that doesn’t pay for most or all up tuition. Look how that’s going

2 years ago reply 0

I don’t always agree with you bill. But you just said something that I have thought pretty much my whole life. Life is not insanely precious! It certainly exists, but it is not the be-all end-all. With billions of people on the planet, the vast majority of which who just and eat and watch Netflix. Maybe not in that order. If I had never existed, who the would care! I sure as heck wouldn’t. An embryo or sperm and egg are far more important then an actual human being. Once-born, who care

2 years ago reply 0

You made a comment about abortion in Germany. In Germany, at about 10 or 11 the pediatrician teaches children about sex, STD’s and birth control. Kids can ask any questions and get real answers without religious or parental interference. Birth control can be issued to the teen at the teens request. We things up here.

2 years ago reply 0

That was the most annoying debate I’ve heard in decades. Holygod dammit that was awful

2 years ago reply 0

That’s all she was doing to both of them.. typical Democrat though, talk over others who have different views.

2 years ago reply 0

She is wrong . Protests happens as a next to last resort. She wants to introduce the narrative of reprisals as a equitable solution to protests. She is a police state surveillance advocate.

2 years ago reply 0

25 years ago Europe said there would be another civil war in the United States... was it a prediction or a goal of theirs.

2 years ago reply 0

Another new rules of "Old man doesn't understand youth and it makes him angry..."

2 years ago reply 1

Thank you for your honesty. The they in organised religion never told you the name of the christ and creator in the first place. They are in open rebellion against him and the heavens. So no answer you got in the past was either accurate or interested in the truth. The bible is ahack job on the cepher. You will start to realise that when you read for your self. So please show academic due diligence and make the comparisons and then.... I would like to hear your thoughts...

2 years ago reply 0

As you name call !? Hilarious!!! You're not worthy of having any effect on me.

@yyyy : More guns than people in USA. That needs to change. You have no contrary argument. That is why you descend to name-calling. Typical hayseed, bumpkin response. Read a book!
2 years ago reply 0

Urgh... That New Rules "old man rants at youth"

3 years ago reply 0

Too left! Long gone are the days of Politically Incorrect. Touting the 'facts' of mainstream media.

3 years ago reply 0

I used to like Maher but the hatred for Trump is too much. As for the Lincoln project guy he's a fucking thief he looks like one too.

3 years ago reply 0

Omg i'm like the only one at work who said to the boss that i want the vaccine but now i dont know wtf 😨

3 years ago reply 0

Conway says Trump's approval rating before Covid was 61%. Yeah, well... now it's 32% and the lowest of anyone leaving the office. All this winning. I can't roll my eyes hard enough.

3 years ago reply 1

Please never let that loud "woooing" woman into your studio again!!! She was terrible to listen to. Lady, not everything Bill says deserves your loud praises in that manner. Let go of that urge.

3 years ago reply 1

How do I delete this man child, make his biased show, programming disappear, I don't even like to see him!!!!!!! I'm sick of being indoctrinated!!!!!!! Wake up and stand before you cannot stand on your own power! It's called oppression, you'll see it here regardless of the outcome of the presidency, more so with sloppy joe and the hoe!

3 years ago reply 0

Hilary was up pre poll numbers mean nada which was proving in 2016

3 years ago reply 0

Bill Maher is a loser. His episode on the JRE podcast was so bad I had to turn it off. He’s an embarrassment.

3 years ago reply 0

Also send bill maher back to 7th grade history because Trump can't stay in office if he loses that shit was made back then so that won't happens. But we be retarded to vote Joe Biden in as president that guy escaped a mental hospital with the way he acts. So we america are fucked. Vote for a escaped metal health patient or vote for a orange fat ass cheater. No way for america to win.

3 years ago reply 1

Fuck bernie sanders that old basters wouldn't be fit to president. Sarah palin would be a better president then old fuck bernie. He is going to have dementia in two years and forget all this anyways.

3 years ago reply 0

Bill, you are right about the military...the most diverse group of people in this nation are the military members. We are brothers and sisters day in and day out and we see this mess and the humane and best of the best of this country will show true when trump loses....they will uphold the law and trump will leave and be treated accordingly if he tries to need not worry about the military doing what is right in that situation.

3 years ago reply 1


3 years ago reply 1

Nah this guy is an out of touch Libtard to the first power... Fuck this dude.

3 years ago reply 0