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I can understand why he was harsh bc she basically emotionally manipulated him into going. He has choices too. Her choice was to go

1 years ago reply 0

Sorry, clear he didn’t want to go. Why should he be forced to go to a funeral bc of her anxiety?

1 years ago reply 0

I am taking the dude’s side here and let me explain why: She made plans to go to an event the intimate, a funeral. She asked if he wanted to go e gave her a HARD NO. Then she asked him to just ”drive” her -- why? Does she not have a license? Then when they get there she tells him oh, please just come in with me, just for a minute until I calm down etc .. it seems like SHE was manipulating HIM time, even though he was CLE A R he did not w Ant to go... It

1 years ago reply 0

If you think California and New York are the best places to live you are a idiot.

2 years ago reply 0